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       #Post#: 30--------------------------------------------------
       Pinpointing Ovulation [How to]
       By: Administrator Date: February 2, 2019, 2:28 pm
       If you are trying to get pregnant, knowing when you ovulate is
       key. Knowing this can significantly reduce the amount of time it
       takes to conceive!
       When do you ovulate?
       Ovulation typically occurs between 10-16 days before the first
       day of your period. Every woman is different and so are their
       cycles - your cycle length and ovulation day can also differ
       from month to month!
       After release, the egg is only viable for 12-24 hours. If not
       fertilized within this time the egg will begin to disintegrate,
       and will be carried out with your next period. But that doesn't
       not limit your fertile window to just this short time period.
       Sperm can live for up to 5 days in the woman's body (in the
       vagina, uterus and fallopian tubes), which extends your fertile
       window up to 5 days prior to ovulation.
       To estimate when you are likely to ovulate, find the expected
       date of your next menstrual period. Count back 14 days, and then
       another five days. The additional five days you counted are
       considered your most fertile days. It is best to consider your
       fertile window from the beginning of this five day period,
       ovulation day and the day after. This gives you approximately a
       7 day window to work with.
       It may be difficult to accurately pinpoint ovulation unless you
       are charting your fertility each month.
       Methods of pinpointing ovulation
       Basal body temperature charting
       Using a specialized thermometer (average $10 available at most
       retail stores) you record your waking temperature (either orally
       or vaginally) at the same time every morning, recording them on
       a chart and watching the patterns to determine ovulation and
       your potential fertile period.
       If temperatures are taking correctly, this method is the most
       accurate at definitively detecting when ovulation has occured.
       Remember, BBT charting will show you when ovulation has
       occurred, possibly too late for successful timing (when charting
       is your only method), so it is best to use it in conjunction
       with other methods. Once you have several months recorded you
       will start to see your ovulation day pattern emerge.
       Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPKs):
       OPKs work by detecting the Luteinizing Hormone (LH) surge in
       your urine. The LH is the body's chemical that signals to the
       ovary that it's time to release the egg. While it's important to
       follow each specific brand's unique instructions, the general
       procedure is to test urine at least once daily. The majority of
       OPKs require that you do not test with first morning urine (FMU)
       as LH isn't produced until later in the day.
       Unlike with a Home Pregnancy Test (HPT), the theory that a line
       is a positive is not true for OPKs. The key to reading an opk is
       to look for a test line that is as dark (or darker) than the
       control line. Some women choose to test more than once a day as
       they approach ovulation as it is possible to miss the LH surge
       and never receive a positive OPK, despite ovulating.
       OPKs come in a variety of styles and price levels, from a dollar
       or less a piece for a standard non-digital or more for a digital
       variety and can be purchased online or in most retail stores.
       OPKs can only "predict" possible upcoming ovulation - they can
       not confirm it. It is best to use OPKs along with basal body
       temperature charting to confirm ovulation.
       Charting physical signs
       Cervical mucus (CM)
       Cervical mucus/fluid is produced by glands in the cervix (within
       your cervical canal). During your cycle, the quantity and the
       consistency (texture and appearance) of cervical mucus changes -
       this is due to hormone fluctuations. As you approach ovulation,
       estrogen increases and you begin to produce the most fertile
       type of cervical fluid. You are considered most fertile when the
       fluid becomes clear, slippery and stretchy (often compared to
       raw egg whites).
       Fertile-quality cervical mucus supports conception by providing
       a healthy medium in which sperm can survive and propel
       themselves. Fertile cervical mucus protects sperm from the
       naturally-acidic environment of the vagina and helps sperm to
       move through the cervix into the uterus. Paying close attention
       to the changes will help you time intercourse correctly and you
       can begin to understand your own fertility patterns.
       Cervical mucus will move from dry, sticky or tacky (infertile)
       through watery or eggwhite (fertile).
       Cervical position, Cervical texture and/or Cervical opening.
       Cervical position will move from low (infertile) to high
       (fertile). Cervical texture will change from firm (infertile) to
       soft (fertile). Cervical opening will change from closed
       (infertile) to open (fertile).
       While CM can be checked externally (from the opening of the
       vagina) cervical changes can only be checked internally (placing
       one or two clean fingers into the vagina and feeling for the
       changes with the cervix).
       These signs can signal approaching fertility, allowing you to
       take maximum advantage of the days leading up to possible
       Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor (CBEFM):
       CBEFM's are basically mini-computers that read a more complex
       Ovulation predictor kit (OPK) to distinguish approaching
       fertility. They differ from regular OPKs in the fact that they
       don't just detect surging Luteinizing Hormone (LH), they also
       detect the rising estrogen. It learns your unique cycles and
       will adjust accordingly. As a result, it may take a cycle or two
       to see the full advantage of the CBEFM.
       The computer unit will ask for a test stick if it feels that you
       could be approaching ovulation. Unlike OPKs, you use FMU (first
       morning urine) for the CBEFM. You insert the stick into the
       reader and it will give you one of three fertility ratings. Low
       (infertile), High (possibly fertile) or peak (the most fertile).
       The first cycle you use the monitor, it will jump almost
       immediately to a high reading as soon as it starts asking for
       test sticks. As you develop a deeper relationship with your
       monitor, the number of high readings will potentially decrease.
       Some women have reported only one day of high reading before a
       peak. Once you have a peak reading, you will ovulate anywhere
       with in the next 48 hours. After your first peak reading, you
       will have a second peak day. Following that, one more high
       reading and then lows for the rest of your cycle.
       The monitor will warn you of the end of your cycle as it flashes
       "m" when you check it in the morning. This is helpful for women
       who aren't tracking their cycle every day. When/if your cycle
       starts, you simply reset it to cycle day (cd) 1 and start the
       process all over again.