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       #Post#: 66--------------------------------------------------
       Welcome to Pure Trouble Designs
       By: skyler Date: May 13, 2012, 7:14 pm
       New users must register to Pure Trouble Designs as a registered
       member in order to view our boards..
       Thank you ,
       The Staff of Pure Trouble Designs
       #Post#: 281--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Welcome to Pure Trouble Designs
       By: ~blade(f)~ Date: June 9, 2012, 9:59 am
       In order to keep bots from infiltrating the board, please make a
       post in the welcome section of the board with a little bit about
       yourself! Once this is done, Skyler or I will update your post
       count to allow you to edit your profile if you choose! Welcome
       to PTD and it's a pleasure to meet you!