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       #Post#: 81400--------------------------------------------------
       By: TheThingFromLewes Date: July 18, 2024, 11:44 am
       Very disappointed with the lack of any transfer activity
       incoming since the swathes of departures recently.
       Again, we are painfully slow out of the blocks to get players on
       board and we only start the season in just over 4 weeks!
       Silva must be tearing his hair out.
       #Post#: 81406--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Fulham 
       By: bmb Date: July 19, 2024, 7:28 am
       Too busy fleecing the fans - your ticket price rises and
       membership scheme price rises are shameful - again. Feel sorry
       for your fans and the way the club shafts you every single time.
       #Post#: 81411--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Fulham 
       By: takethejag Date: July 19, 2024, 12:01 pm
       'Director of Football' Tony Khan is too busy tweeting about his
       beloved wrestling.
       We've lost Tosin, Willian and Palhinha who were all first
       choice, as well as Bobby Reid who was literally first choice, as
       well as regular squad players Francoise and Rodak.
       When you look at the sort of figures being thrust around for
       average central midfielders, the £40M-odd received for Palhinha
       was robbery and hence we don't have a lot of money to splurge,
       not even after shafting the fans for season tickets and catering
       for tourists.