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 (DIR) Ravens Wing
 (DIR) wilder than lions [private] louder than sound
       9 replies
 (DIR) its my party [open, meeting!] and ill cry if i want to
       13 replies
 (DIR) im friends with the monsters [private]
       37 replies
 (DIR) and this is [private] the last one
       3 replies
 (DIR) listening to stevie wonder [private]
       25 replies
 (DIR) its really quite pleasent [open, realization that pet is a poo...
       14 replies
 (DIR) is this how marilyn monroe felt? [open]
       0 replies
 (DIR) selfish ( joining devilclan ) taking what i want and calling m...
       8 replies
 (DIR) I'm all about that bass (small meeting - info inside)
       6 replies
 (DIR) by the last breath of the fourth winds blow ( open )
       8 replies
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