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 (DIR) Ravens Wing
 (DIR) i'm not passive but aggressive))) meeting, new leader
       1 replies
 (DIR) maybe i hate everything // joining 
       3 replies
 (DIR) but this hunger, it isn't you (joining wow what a surprise)
       6 replies
 (DIR) i can smell the petrichor // joining
       5 replies
 (DIR) two birds of a feather [p; stormy]
       1 replies
 (DIR) oh, miss believer // open
       9 replies
 (DIR) join the dead with joy // open, joining
       4 replies
 (DIR) sugar and spice and everything nice (joining!)
       5 replies
 (DIR) wherefore art thou // joining
       5 replies
 (DIR) Practice Makes Perfect ;; open, hunting practice
       3 replies
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