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       #Post#: 55701--------------------------------------------------
       i am sinking in this silence ( open )
       By: black rose Date: April 24, 2015, 12:32 am
       It was the middle of the night, and Pygmypaw was out of camp,
       laying on his back, looking up at the stars. He was upset, and
       he didn't know why. It wasn't like there was a reason... He just
       was. Maybe it was because of a dream he had before and no longer
       remembered. Sighing, he began to search the sky, looking for the
       brightest star he could find.
       #Post#: 55733--------------------------------------------------
       Re: i am sinking in this silence ( open )
       By: Jstar Date: April 24, 2015, 7:45 am
       Vani was out late night hunting, chasing a squirrel quite loudly
       through the grass.
       #Post#: 55737--------------------------------------------------
       Re: i am sinking in this silence ( open )
       By: black rose Date: April 24, 2015, 1:58 pm
       Pygmypaw scowled as he heard rather loud pawsteps coming towards
       him. He rolled onto his paws and stood up, glaring at... a
       squirrel? Then he saw Vani and growled quietly.
       #Post#: 55762--------------------------------------------------
       Re: i am sinking in this silence ( open )
       By: Jstar Date: April 24, 2015, 7:20 pm
       At the last moment, she leaped at the squirrel, nipping its
       spine, skidding to a stop in front of the other apprentice. She
       flicked her ear. "Oh.. Hey.. Whatever your name was." She didn't
       have the time to recognize everyone's names.
       #Post#: 55763--------------------------------------------------
       Re: i am sinking in this silence ( open )
       By: black rose Date: April 24, 2015, 7:48 pm
       "Pygmypaw," he hissed, annoyed at her for having ruined his
       peace and quiet.
       #Post#: 55769--------------------------------------------------
       Re: i am sinking in this silence ( open )
       By: dawnfire111 Date: April 24, 2015, 9:41 pm
       Balloonpaw was just walking down the path she always did,
       heading back to her comfy nest. She decided to take a walk. She
       just did. She tried to be as quiet as possible, as to not to
       wake or disturb the creatures around her. The apprentice felt
       that made better hunting in the morning. Suddenly she heard some
       noisy rustling and some hostile talking. Okay, she usually tried
       to avoid these things, but she was nosy, and actually a little
       concerned. Wasn't that Vani's voice? Was she getting into
       trouble? She was her somewhat rebellious little sister, what did
       you think her first thought would be?
       "Hey Vani, what's-" she started, quickly approaching her, but
       cutting herself off when she noticed the irritated, seemingly
       angered tom nearby. "I um..." She breathed, wondering what to
       do. Well, this was really awkward. This was not a good idea. Why
       did she think this was a good idea?
       #Post#: 55777--------------------------------------------------
       Re: i am sinking in this silence ( open )
       By: Jstar Date: April 25, 2015, 8:00 am
       She ignored Balloonpaw. Instead, she narrowed her eyes, letting
       out a low, exasperated hiss. "What's your problem, hissing at me
       like that? I'll have you know, I happen to be the daughter of a
       very high-ranked cat, or tiger, as she is known." She remarked,
       adding a sassy edge to her voice. She wouldn't consider her
       recognozation as boasting, no. She just prefered herself to be
       noticed amongst the clan now, beings her father was gone and her
       step-father was dead and all.
       #Post#: 55783--------------------------------------------------
       Re: i am sinking in this silence ( open )
       By: black rose Date: April 25, 2015, 8:47 am
       He rolled his eyes. [b]"Is that supposed to impress me or
       something? So you're the daughter of Innocence. Big deal. She
       isn't even a high rank anymore. She was the Head's Partner
       before, maybe, but that doesn't put you in a high ranks.
       #Post#: 55787--------------------------------------------------
       Re: i am sinking in this silence ( open )
       By: Jstar Date: April 25, 2015, 10:04 am
       "Well it doesn't mean you can't show respect." She spat. "And
       you almost scared away my catch!"
       #Post#: 55788--------------------------------------------------
       Re: i am sinking in this silence ( open )
       By: black rose Date: April 25, 2015, 10:12 am
       He stared for a few seconds, then retorted, "I was just lying
       here, minding my own business, and you nearly trampled me! You
       should be apologizing! Respect is to be earned."
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