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       #Post#: 57047--------------------------------------------------
       you can count on me [private]
       By: Raven` Date: August 1, 2015, 4:19 pm
       [ pandora & firework please ]
       SerpentClan camp, the source of drama galor. As usual, it was
       bustling to the brim with cats, let the cats be tigers or normal
       housecats. Of course, rumors spread around about stupid things
       here as well. Rumors were the source of everyones problems.
       #Post#: 57081--------------------------------------------------
       Re: you can count on me [private]
       By: black rose Date: August 1, 2015, 8:47 pm
       Firework was taking a break from his responsibilities, relaxing
       outside his den in the sunlight.
       #Post#: 57249--------------------------------------------------
       Re: you can count on me [private]
       By: dawnfire111 Date: August 3, 2015, 6:54 pm
       Pandora was wandering around and bored out of her mind. She
       usually bugged Vani when this itching feeling came around, which
       was very often. But with her out of sight, someone else was
       going to have to do. The tiger cub pranced on over to Firework
       sunbathing. "Heyy ol' buddy ol' pal," she rumbled happily,
       flopping down beside him.
       #Post#: 57263--------------------------------------------------
       Re: you can count on me [private]
       By: black rose Date: August 3, 2015, 8:18 pm
       He looked over at his sister from the same parents in different
       bodies. "Pandora! Hey, how are you?" he mewed.