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       #Post#: 57462--------------------------------------------------
       im a demon for slow motion [private]
       By: Raven` Date: August 8, 2015, 9:53 am
       [ anyone you want ! ]
       [ if you don't have anyone in this clan, try making a new
       character, or bringing someone who needs some more development
       over here! ]
       You know at this point, I don't know what to say about
       SerpentClan. The biggest thing about it is that nearly all but
       maybe two of its members are related. That's bound to lead to
       incest, which is a yuck. And then there's the young leader -
       don't get me wrong. He's doing fine on his pedestal. He's just
       young. He had yet to live his life. And the life he lived was
       full of constant drama. Constant hate. Not towards him, but in
       general. Poor thing.
       #Post#: 57469--------------------------------------------------
       Re: im a demon for slow motion [private]
       By: Jstar Date: August 8, 2015, 11:13 am
       Vani was grooming herself near the clearing, growling softly as
       she did so. She was bored, and very much needed someone to talk
       #Post#: 57540--------------------------------------------------
       Re: im a demon for slow motion [private]
       By: black rose Date: August 15, 2015, 3:00 pm
       Firework had been thinking about the fact that he hadn't really
       been spending time with his siblings as much since he had to
       take over as the leader of the Clan. Looking around, he noticed
       Vanillapaw and made his way over. "Hey, Vani," he greeted her,
       #Post#: 57546--------------------------------------------------
       Re: im a demon for slow motion [private]
       By: Jstar Date: August 15, 2015, 10:23 pm
       "Oh, hey." she replied shortly, swiping a paw over her ears.
       #Post#: 57552--------------------------------------------------
       Re: im a demon for slow motion [private]
       By: black rose Date: August 16, 2015, 10:31 am
       His smile faded a bit, but he forced it to stay there. "How have
       you been lately?" he asked, not letting himself be put off by
       how she had responded to him.
       #Post#: 57562--------------------------------------------------
       Re: im a demon for slow motion [private]
       By: Jstar Date: August 19, 2015, 6:04 pm
       "Good, good.. You?"
       #Post#: 57598--------------------------------------------------
       Re: im a demon for slow motion [private]
       By: Raven` Date: September 15, 2015, 8:54 am