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       #Post#: 2--------------------------------------------------
       Effects of Divorce on men 
       By: silkchaos Date: October 5, 2015, 9:04 pm
       Written by Royce Adams:
       Psychological, emotional, financial,  physical
       Many of the effects of divorce on men can be devastating yet a
       few are contradictory and may even prove to be beneficial. A lot
       depends on how the divorce is handled, For instance in one
       Swedish researchers studying 'the effects of divorce on men'
       found that men's physical condition improved after
       divorce...this may be due to the fact that as men begin dating
       again they are more concerned with external appearances and want
       to look as attractive as they can in their efforts to find a new
       mate or it may be a "make over" in an attempt to win back their
       estranged wife having "let themselves go" during the marriage.
       The gym can become a popular place and can also effect an
       immediate ego boost,a lift in self esteem due to increase in
       "feel good chemicals" such as dopamine which also is heightened
       through physical exercise..
       Divorce has implications for a man's health
       One challenging effect of divorce on men is for men to be are
       less prepared domestically apart from all the other potential
       effects..i.e cooking,washing ironing...men will skip meals or
       eat them on the run,eat far less fruit and vegatebles in favor
       of readily available and easy obtained junk food.
       Often a man's emotional state can interfere with his employment
       and wage earning ability.
       Some men also become estranged from their children particulary
       if their former wife has a new partner.and a man can be become
       alienated form his children as he will often be considered an
       "outsider" or part time parent in these changed circumstances.
       What was your your goal for using a search engine to look up the
       "effects of divorce on men?"??Has there been a a breakdown in
       your marriage and you are facing a divorce,instigated either by
       your spouse or by you and you are being affected and impacted
       badly by it?..If so is there something now you want to achieve
       Divorce(unwanted or otherwise) can have implications for a
       man's health,is divorce looming in your life?,have you and your
       partner recently separated or are about to?...is it that you are
       having having trouble handling it and adjusting?..Maybe the
       Psychological emotional financial physical effects have been
       greater than you first anticipated (one of the effects of
       divorce, unwanted or otherwise is stress even though you may not
       notice it much, in much the same way a reconciliation is
       stressful See: related Social Readjustment Rating Scale(Thomas
       Holmes and Richard Rahe).
       in the form of separation anxiety can lead to dangerous
       increases in blood pressure(particulary if combined with a lax
       diet, and risky drinking and smoking habits) as well as
       unbridled anger which can be tha catalyst for
       heart disease
       It may be if the divorce is not your choice that you are feeling
       revengeful,possibly even suicidal,in a rage( thought driven rage
       and fury can bring about Apoplexy (an old fashioned term for  a
       stroked induce -internal bleeding). You may even be
       contemplating hurting or committing harm,(or perhaps you have
       become 'depressed'( which often is anger directed at yourself)
       maybe you are  drinking alcohol in excess and indulging in other
       very risky behaviors)..if so you may need to telephone a crisis
       hotline and discuss how you are feeling and what is happening
       for you with a trained empathetic crisis Intervention Counselor
       (lifeline maintain a national numbers in most parts of the
       world) (as the very first choice) or engage with a empathetic
       family member as a second....whatever you do you should not
       leave these feelings to fester....now is not the time for
       'stoicism' acting the strong silent type or a festering rage
       because what you are feeling can very well get out of hand
       without a some kind of intervention.....
       General interest or research aside,what is it that you were
       hoping to find out if anything?.
       "From crisis comes opportunity"
       when a marriage it brought to the brink of divorce it offers a
       perfect opportunity to hone your marriage and relating skills
       and set you up to build a marriage based on real honest
       friendship,companionship and open intimacy the kind of
       relationship many women crave...regardless of whether you stay
       married to your current partner or re-marry it will benefit you.
       "It Only Takes One to Get the Ball Rolling"(saving your marriage
       on your own)©
       Going through a divorce is never easy for anybody, however,
       there are certain effects of a failed marriage that occurs more
       often with men, than with women( although women too can be
       affected the same way but usually have more solid support
       networks) and many men often ruin any chance of saving the
       marriage by the way they react either by deliberate bloody
       minded  intent and or as more often is the case
       inadvertently,unknowingly because of not not having strong
       enough relating skills to effect a amicable divorce let alone
       possible reconciliation..Men generally have better chance of
       reconciling with a soon to be ex-wife than they or the public
       and "conventional wisdom" give credit ...if men would only just
       get help fast when they need it...but in the way of most men
       who'd leave off going to the doctor if they weren't pushed by
       their partners(yes female partners often fulfill this role and
       is what men call "nagging") or matters become far to big to
       simply ignore they shy away.
       "Men often ignore things that they really shouldn't until such
       time it becomes too little-too late"
       When a marriage is about to be dissolved, emotions often run
       high in men, and a lot of important financial decisions as well
       as emotional ones have to be made. Out of control emotions and
       anger usually sets the stage for disaster. As a general rule:
       Never mix emotions(particularly anger) and finances, or emotions
       and legal matters of divorce. Decision made during the emotional
       turmoil and upheaval of divorce are likely to be bad one over
       the long run. How the financial matters are handled can greatly
       influence the whole process and often be the deciding factor in
       whether a divorce is going to become a battlefield with no
       prisoner taken,total destruction,a blitzkrieg or handled well
       amicably and may even cause a a rethink in their partner and
       called off!
       Rationality and maturity are attractive qualities and a far
       better way to resolve issues concerning a soon to be or possible
       divorce... Sometimes however it will be that a divorce is
       unavoidable, but even then it is far better to try to make the
       legal and financial matters strictly apart from the emotional
       matters and your feeling for your partner, even if it tears you
       up inside, the alternative is a prolonged, quite often very
       painful, expensive battle(and keep in mind that you wont stop
       seeing your ex partner if you intend being a part of you
       children's lives) that in many cases will make long lasting
       emotional scars on both sides,and worse yet the children of the
       marriage who get to witness this hostile scenario, and prevent
       chances of a future
       reconciliation and saving the marriage
       What to do when the Disaster of divorce threatens to strikes?
       When faced with divorce or the threat of divorce, a lot of men
       choose to let their ego and wallet control their actions, and
       ruin any chance of an amicable settlement and even worse make
       the process so much more hurtful for everyone involved that any
       chance of a potential reconciliation a chance to save the
       marriage later on is greatly diminished but more often lost
       totally, in walks the lawyers and then the show is no longer in
       the hands of the ones involved and a fierce battle is about to
       Are you thinking about giving your marriage one last do or die
       How did it get so bad? Well as long as the relationship was
       doing fine, nobody was thinking about who owned what and who
       brought what into the relationship, in fact everything became
       shared property, unless a prenuptial agreement was made. Then
       most men make the mistake of thinking that they can get through
       a divorce without losing any assets, especially if they're not
       the ones filing for the divorce, and then their egos and wallets
       block any kind of compromise. How often have you heard the
       words: "€œShe chose to walk out on our marriage, so
       why should I give her a penny!".. If you think like that you
       will push your wife to seek a lawyer, and then you will have to
       retain a lawyer yourself (and so begins the cycle) and that will
       only result in a more expensive divorce, than just an equal
       Avoid devastating Divorce
       A lot depends on how the divorce is handled,and if handled well
       men can avoid devastating divorce.
       The only sure way of avoiding to loss of assets in case of a
       divorce is to have a prenuptial agreement before the marriage,
       but since most people don't have this, the best tactic is to be
       fair and go for an equal solutions. Don't get greedy
       – you will most likely lose more than expected when
       lawyers gets into the act, and that is even discounting their
       Another tactic that is also very common, is to try to hurt your
       spouse financially as indicated above, this is often done as a
       revenge tactic on the other party, as they are perceived as the
       one responsible for the emotional roller coaster ride of the
       Avoid Lawyers at All Costs
       lawyers make the effect of divorce far worse
       When divorce or the threat of divorce enters the marriage, most
       people look to lawyers to settle the cases. This is in most
       cases the single most damaging thing they can do, unless there
       simply are no other viable solutions!,the majority of lawyers
       upon taking a case have their own narrow agendas
       Once the lawyers enters the picture, whatever remains of love
       and even goodwill between the parties too often flies out the
       window, and often a long financial and emotional battle ensues,
       one that scars many couples for the rest of their lives, and
       leaves ill feelings between them. What most people fail to
       realize is that there is only one winner in this scenario, and
       that is the lawyers. Any win you think you have will often prove
       later to be a hollow victory indeed. Lawyers know that finances
       and emotions don't mix, and thus they play the spouses on the
       basis on their emotions, dragging out the settlements, sometimes
       making outrageous charges against the opponent in order to get a
       better deal. Naturally the lawyers are defending their position,
       by claiming that they only have their clients' full rights in
       mind, but are dragging the settlement, charging per hour they're
       working on the case, and the end the settlement that is reached
       won't be much different from one that the spouses could have
       worked out themselves, or through mediation.
       NOTE: An exception to the rule about not getting lawyers
       involved is to use them solely to get information about your
       rights and applicable laws in case you suspect that you are
       being treated unfairly by your spouse.
       Has the worst happened and your spouse has or is about to move
       out and leave you? Has she given you the speech already and
       wants a divorce but this is not what you want? Is she involved
       with someone else?...are you prepared to honestly admit that
       what you have been doing is not working because in fact you can
       see that your part in the drama is making matters worse?.Do you
       want to do something about it that really works right now and
       give yourself and your marriage fighting chance??...Do you even
       know what you can do about it or where to begin??...then read
       on... The vast majority of men who try to effect a
       reconciliation with their spouse will fail and become another
       divorce statistic.....
       Well most men will use time honored but useless methods based on
       "conventional wisdom" from a male perspective.....they will use
       advice from friends /family and from what they see in the movies
       etc as their guidance...or worse still their "gut instincts"
       this rarely works because it is based on fundamental flaws...the
       flaws of not understanding relationships and human nature and
       most importantly by not having a concrete and consistent
       workable plan and path to follow...trying to save your marriage
       is a not the time for self righteousness,blaming or indignation
       or grandstanding.
       Even if man is lucky enough he might,effect a reconciliation by
       these "fly by the seat of the pants" methods he will probably at
       best effect(if he is very lucky) a "premature reconciliation".
       Premature reconciliations are to be avoided at all costs because
       ultimately they will end the relationship permanently...
       A man needs the help and guidance of a specialist,and not from
       the typical "tell me how you feel"..."i hear where you are
       coming from" type of Person Centered Counselor/Therapist or
       "Marriage Guidance Counselor"...it is almost a certain that a
       client "feels freaking awful"..the client is not there to waffle
       on about how they feel but to take action with the help of the
       counselor and his skills and knowledge... not merely to have the
       counselor / therapist to "listen"(and worse yet almost nod off
       to sleep) and make a few obligatory "mmmmmm I see" and "how
       awful that must be for you. This is a complete waste of your
       time and money and you might as well talk to your backyard
       fence...This will not give you even the slimmest chance of
       saving your marriage (your wife will at best think that she at
       least doesn't have to listen to your "poor me" and your whining
       and maybe now you'll leave her alone) he need to help find
       action orientated steps to turn the clients situation around in
       the shortest time possible (notwithstanding what the
       client"feels"....feeling awful,hopeless,helpless and not coping
       well is a given).
       A action orientated solution focused specialist will help put
       together an Action Plan via goal setting for the client and keep
       them on track during the critical post bomb periods(after all
       said and done they have walked down this path before with
       others)....More damage can be done to a relationship during the
       early pre divorces stage than at any other time during the
       course of the relationship. If you are thinking about hanging in
       there and giving it one last shot then you will find that
       I can help you..do yourself a favor now and men need more
       support and need to help themselves more Combine the book with
       material and exercises that you will find in the Relationship
       Articles from Royce Forum...and also get my direct input and
       guidance with your situation.....
       #Post#: 6--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Effects of Divorce on men 
       By: arborite Date: October 6, 2015, 12:12 am
       Ah, the old days of Royce and the RRR...
       ETA: Ironically, I believe this was one of Zonka's articles...