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       #Post#: 3077--------------------------------------------------
       Hunt, Gather & Survive - Fanmade Version of Hunger Games
       By: WerewolfFan23 Date: April 26, 2012, 4:27 am
       War has begun and only few survivors have made it to the forest
       where they’ve hidden and try to stay alive. Other valleys have
       been attacked by the Rumars as well, so the survivors join
       forces together and build a new colony of their own. They must
       fight together; eat together and live together to have the best
       chance of survival.
       #Post#: 3097--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Hunt, Gather & Survive - Fanmade Version of Hunger Games
       By: WerewolfFan23 Date: April 26, 2012, 5:14 am
       I ran through the forest, ignoring the thumping pain in my knee.
       I knew it would’ve been terribly burnt but I didn’t care. I had
       to get out of there, away from the blood and fire. My mind
       flashed with the image of my father being slit by the throat and
       my little brother being beaten to death by the Rumars. I had
       always been able to keep my tears in and I didn’t let them fall
       until I reached a small lake in the depths of the forest, where
       no one knew where I was. As I soaked my burnt knee, I let the
       tears fall.
       My brother, Lawrence, was only 8. He didn’t deserve to die. He
       was only a child. My father, John, had cried out to me to run
       before his death. This morning, I had gone and stolen food from
       one of the mansions. I did this to keep my family alive. I guess
       I wasn’t strong enough to die with them. Lawrence was a great
       cook, even though he was young. Dad worked all day in the
       factory. He hated the job but he knew it was the only thing he
       could do to keep us alive.
       I had one of the most dangerous jobs in my family. I stole and
       hunted in the most deadly places I could find. Lawrence always
       worried about me but Dad always knew I would come home. Even if
       I was emptied handed, my father told me he was proud of how
       brave and fearless I was. I would usually smiled and rest before
       dinner but the truth was I was terrified of the thought of not
       coming home, not seeing my father and brother again.
       #Post#: 3268--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Hunt, Gather & Survive - Fanmade Version of Hunger Games
       By: Sarah_Whitely Date: April 27, 2012, 1:37 am
       Awesome I love it.
       #Post#: 3271--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Hunt, Gather & Survive - Fanmade Version of Hunger Games
       By: WerewolfFan23 Date: April 27, 2012, 1:44 am
       I snapped out my thoughts as I heard something move behind me. I
       quickly grabbed my set bow and swung around, ignoring the sharp
       pain in my knee. I was about to shoot at the figure but stopped
       as he stepped into view. I didn’t know my life was about to
       change as I met Darren. But there he was, holding a knife in his
       hand, looking as handsome as ever.
       Darren looked 20. He had broad shoulder and muscly arms. I could
       tell he was strong by studying his body in that moment. My eyes
       shot back to his face as he spoke gently. “Don’t shoot. I’m not
       part of the Rumars. Please, lower your weapon. “ His voice was
       not hard but it was deep. I took a small step back, making me
       wince and slightly groan at the pain my leg gave me.
       He noticed and then asked, “What happened to your leg?” I didn’t
       answer. I didn’t trust this stranger, even though he had made no
       attempt to kill me.  I moved back again and slipped on a rock. I
       fell backwards and hit my head on a branch. I heard footsteps
       come towards me quickly and felt something lift me up before I
       was unconscious.
       #Post#: 5608--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Hunt, Gather & Survive - Fanmade Version of Hunger Games
       By: WerewolfFan23 Date: May 12, 2012, 12:53 am
       I woke up in some sort of cave. I blinked several times before
       my vision came back to me clearly. I sat up and noticed the man
       there again. I jerked away, which made my leg ache. “Ow!” I
       touched it, which made it worst. Suddenly, his hands pulled mine
       away from it. “Don’t touch it. It’s healing.” His voice was
       gentle like last time and his hands gave me warmth. Even though
       he was a stranger and could easily kill me, I relaxed in his
       presence. He slightly smiled as I relaxed and moved closer to
       me. I tensed up but stayed still.
       I could tell by his face that he cared but it felt very
       unnatural as he put a warm arm around my cold shoulders. Before
       I could stop myself, I wrapped my arms around his waist and
       leant my head against his chest. I then realised how much I
       missed another human being. He pulled me a bit closer before
       saying, “My name is Darren.” I smiled. “I’m Elena.” That was
       first time we spoke to each other. I never forgot that moment.
       Our friendship grew as the days passed by. He brought me back to
       health and taught me how to survive like he had for months. In
       return, I taught him about the plants and how to follow animal
       tracks. We both knew how to hunt, which came to our advantage.
       In a week or so, I was back on my feet and we moved to the
       proper camp, where there were at least 12 other people.