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       #Post#: 93257--------------------------------------------------
       Role play :)
       By: WerewolfFan23 Date: May 23, 2014, 5:46 pm
       Normal Roleplay. Do whatever. Have fun.
       My Character:
       Name: Adrian 'Jet' Lockett
       Age: 21
 (HTM) https://www.google.com.au/search?q=good+looking+guy&safe=active&client=safari&hl=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=Sc5_U8DJJomelQXS8YC4Dw&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=320&bih=444#facrc=_&imgrc=qkX6WfW8OdudeM%253A%3BuQ9Eo60TJMJ1fM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252F37.media.tumblr.com%252F940f6b38aed522ef3eacc5332213b4c2%252Ftumblr_mux9biV9af1s71mfqo1_400.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fgoodlookingguysofinstagram.tumblr.com%252Fpage%252F39%253Froute%253D%25252Fpage%25252F%25253Apage%3B400%3B400
 (HTM) https://www.google.com.au/search?q=good+looking+guy&safe=active&client=safari&hl=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=Sc5_U8DJJomelQXS8YC4Dw&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=320&bih=444#facrc=_&imgrc=qkX6WfW8OdudeM%253A%3BuQ9Eo60TJMJ1fM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252F37.media.tumblr.com%252F940f6b38aed522ef3eacc5332213b4c2%252Ftumblr_mux9biV9af1s71mfqo1_400.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fgoodlookingguysofinstagram.tumblr.com%252Fpage%252F39%253Froute%253D%25252Fpage%25252F%25253Apage%3B400%3B400
       Personality: Adrian is kind hearted and always friendly, but he
       also has a dark side of himself. When he wants, he can get very
       violent, especially if its protecting someone he cares about. He
       stands up for his loved ones and never leaves their side. His
       parents died when he was young and he's been on his own ever
       since, so he's not use to someone caring or helping him.
       Gf: Ask.
       Other: Prefers to be called Jet. For that nickname because he
       was in the army when he was 18 and flew jets but got an
       honourable discharge when he lost 40% of his sight in his right
       eye from a bar fight.
       Name: Sophia Puck
       Age: 19 years old
 (HTM) https://www.google.com.au/search?q=pretty+girls&client=safari&hl=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=HaCeU9fzCs3QkAWv5oDgAQ&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ#facrc=_&imgrc=NdMMifTwD8HDaM%253A%3BrLCPN9uzv2RGUM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fscreencrot.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2013%252F09%252FImages-Pretty-Girls-Pictures-Background.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fscreencrot.com%252Fimages-pretty-girls-pictures-background.html%3B2560%3B1600
       Personality: Sophia is that type of girl who usually keeps to
       herself but is friendly and out-going. She is always focused on
       her work and always sticks up for ones in need. She can become a
       bit awkward in some situations and has a bit of trouble talking
       to strangers. She likes to force herself in uncomfortable
       positions so she can work through them.
       Bf: Ask.
       Other: Was raised in a foster home, never knew her parents.
       Loves her job as music is an escape for her.
       #Post#: 93258--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Role play :)
       By: OcEAn_thE_mIssIng_nIn Date: May 28, 2014, 3:49 am
       [B]NAME[/b]: Lorena Luke
       [B]AGE[/b]: 19
 (HTM) http://data.whicdn.com/images/17323809/asian-black-hair-cute-fashion-girl-Favim.com-198250_large.jpg
       [B]PERSONALITY[/b]: though Lorena is usually seen as lazy, she
       is actually quite energetic and loves playing sports and games.
       A lot of the time, she's nice, caring and very open and likes to
       talk.  She can be bit sarcastic from time to time though.
       Lorena actually hates taking orders but she will obey them
       without question unless (sometimes complaining about it) she
       knows it's wrong.  But Lorena does loves breaking the rules,
       though she usually doesn't, that's where she has a lot of doubt
       of being herself.  She can also be a really mysterious person
       from time to time.  She can also be stubborn, depending on the
       person and / or subject.  With most situations, Lorena is quite
       strong willed and great at survival skills but is terrified of
       snakes and spiders, actually, a lot of bugs.  She can sometimes
       have a certain quite that activates after some sort of shock,
       usually to do with something emotionally or betrayal, she just
       gets really depressed and zoned-out.
       BF/GF: ask.
       FRIENDS: ask.
       ENEMIES: normally people who hurt the ones she cares about.
       [B]OTHER[/b]: Her younger siblings were put up for adoption a
       few years back, not long before he twin died.  Because of these
       reasons, she has a bad relationship with her parents and lives
       #Post#: 93259--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Role play :)
       By: WerewolfFan23 Date: June 3, 2014, 6:06 am
       Sorry, I forgot to reply. Shall we begin? Lorena & Adrian?
       #Post#: 93260--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Role play :)
       By: OcEAn_thE_mIssIng_nIn Date: June 5, 2014, 1:23 am
       Hahah, I was wondering when you'd reply. xD
       And sure to both. :)
       Though, I just say that my roleplaying skills may be bad
       since I haven't roleplayed in ages.
       Aw, and together now or not??
       #Post#: 93261--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Role play :)
       By: WerewolfFan23 Date: June 10, 2014, 3:54 am
       I am so sorry. I forgot to tell you I had no Internet for the
       last few days. Uh, you can choose. :)
       #Post#: 93262--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Role play :)
       By: OcEAn_thE_mIssIng_nIn Date: June 13, 2014, 2:21 am
       Aw, nah, it's fine. xD
       Hmmm...  Not together would give more to roleplay about and help
       build up their relationship...  Idk.
       #Post#: 93263--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Role play :)
       By: WerewolfFan23 Date: June 13, 2014, 6:56 am
       Nice. But maybe friends first?
       #Post#: 93264--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Role play :)
       By: OcEAn_thE_mIssIng_nIn Date: June 14, 2014, 3:56 am
       Okay then! :3
       How do they know each other? :3
       [s]Sorry, I like detail.[/s]
       #Post#: 93271--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Role play :)
       By: NessaTheNerd Date: June 15, 2014, 9:05 am
       Name: Nikaia Heal.
       Age: 19 years old.
       Gender: Female.
       Sexual Orientation: Pansexual.
       Occupation: Tattoo Artist.
       Height: 173cm.
       Weight: 60kg.
       Appearance: Nikaia has a slight tan to her skin, though she
       never purposely puts herself out in the sun. She dyes her
       lengthy, layered hair a pastel purple (it being naturally
       blonde). She has heterochromia, meaning that her eyes are
       different colours - one being blue and one being brown. Nikaia
       has her left arm and her chest tattooed which she designed
       personally. Her nose has freckles stained on her skin, always
       covered with makeup. She has her septum pierced and her ears
       stretched to 00g.
       Personality: Nikaia is timid to those she meets and doesn't
       express herself verbally unless comfortable. She is an
       intelligent person, she knows that, but doesn't use it against
       people. If she is uncomfortable with a person's behaviour or
       treatment, she won't allow it. Nikaia does care for others if
       they care for her, and unfortunately tends to see the best in
       people (even if the good is difficult to see). She expresses
       herself openly through her art, appearance and writing. Her main
       priority, most of the time, is the protection of others whom she
       loves dearly. Nikaia can be difficult at times, especially when
       she believes her actions have reasoning, and usually tries
       resolve any altercations if she knows she caused it.
       History: Nikaia takes medication for her anxiety and insomnia,
       which hasn't affected her seriously for at least 3 years. She
       becomes attached to people when closeness is established, which
       has ended past relationships. Nikaia has been to drug rehab
       facilities a number of times, but has discovered methods to keep
       herself under control if she doesn't suffer major stress. She
       moved out of home when she was 17 years old to pursue a career
       in art, because her parents didn't take her seriously.
       Name: Patrick Atwell.
       Age: 21 years old.
       Gender: Male.
       Sexual Orientation: Bisexual - but prefers males.
       Occupation: Musician.
       Height: 180cm.
       Weight: 70kg.
       Appearance: Patrick has brunette, choppy hair that is often kept
       out of his face with hair product. His eyes are a light shade of
       blue, which compliments his pale skin tone. His body is slim
       built and has tattoos covering both arms and around his neck -
       most of these tattoos being musically inspired or purely to
       satisfy himself with his appearance. Patrick is almost never
       clean shaven, and wears clear contact lenses instead of glasses
       to improve his vision.
       Personality: Patrick comes across as cocky and arrogant when he
       meets new people or socialises around people he doesn't trust,
       but it is simply a defence he uses to protect himself when he
       feels necessary. He doesn't make jokes at the best of times
       mostly because of nervousness and bad habits. Patrick does put
       his hands on people quite often to help himself feel more
       comfortable, and it is only when he is truly interested in
       someone that he opens up about his emotions. He understands that
       he is troubled mentally and does try to hide it at first, but
       once opening up to another person he let's his thoughts unfold.
       Patrick alternates between different moods daily, night being
       the worst for both himself or anyone else in his company.
       History: Patrick has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and
       takes medication, and is also an insomniac. He had problems with
       prescription drugs when he left school, eventually overdosing in
       a suicide attempt. After his recovery, he removed all negativity
       from his life. Patrick has problems with relationships and finds
       it difficult to trust another person, all because of an
       ex-boyfriend whom used him to benefit from a situation.
       #Post#: 93328--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Role play :)
       By: WerewolfFan23 Date: June 16, 2014, 1:09 am
       Friends from highschool?
       Hi Nessa :)
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