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       #Post#: 94005--------------------------------------------------
       Medieval Roleplay 
       By: WerewolfFan23 Date: December 21, 2014, 9:18 pm
       Well, title is pretty self explanatory. Medieval times so,
       violence, sex and a lot of death, I'm guessing. Copy my form or
       make your own.
       MY FORM:
       Name: Sophia Williamson
       Age: 18
 (HTM) http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2014/037/b/a/wip_sketch___medieval_girl_by_zienta-d75bsh2.jpg
       Personality: Sophia is a kind-hearted young woman who doesn't
       judge anyone from where they are from. She loves to go horse
       riding and practice archery. Her parents believe she is of age
       to become a wife and mother, so, currently, she has a lot of
       different men trying to court her.
       Other: Sophia was raped when she was 12 years old by a group of
       5 men. She fell pregnant but unfortunately had a miscarriage.
       Since then, she has tried not to court with men as she is scared
       it will happen again.
       #Post#: 94006--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Medieval Roleplay 
       By: ThePirate Date: December 21, 2014, 10:28 pm
       NAME; Sebastian of Allons
       AGE: 22
       LOOKS: Dark and handome. Intense green eyes, thick eyebrows,
       sideburns that frame his face, dark hair. Prominent lips. Chest
       and back covered in scars from past wounds.
       PERSONALITY: Intense and passionate. Highly emotional and
       intelligent, witty, creative and solitary. He is also
       self-loathing. He is mysterious, and is reluctant to form
       attachments to others. He is also a womanizer, and probably has
       several bastard children running around the legs of chamber
       maids and tavern wenches.
       He has fought in lots of battles, having his first taste of
       violence when he was fourteen, when he killed a bandit who was
       trying to rape his younger sister. He is suicidally brave
       (probably stemming from his self-hate) and is an idealist, who
       doesn't trust the Aristocracy.
       His father, the Lord of Allons, Richard, wants to see him
       married, but Sebastian has no want of a wife.
       OTHER: Possibly has slight bi-polar, since his emotions are more
       intense and strong than that of a normal person.
       #Post#: 94007--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Medieval Roleplay 
       By: WerewolfFan23 Date: December 21, 2014, 10:36 pm
       [OOC: I am so excited for this :P. Let's begin!]
       Sophia and her family travel down a gravel road on horse back
       with their guards and maids, visiting Sebastian and his family
       as both their fathers use to fight alongside each other in
       battle. Sophia sighs and kept her horse at a walking pace, even
       though she wanted to gallop off and not go through the mental
       torture of having to visit another royal family. She didn't even
       like them. The son, Sebastian, was in her eyes, a man-whore and
       a rude on at that. Her mother hears her sigh and looks at her.
       "We're only staying for two weeks, Sophia. If you are to be
       Queen one day, you have stay allies with other kingdoms, and The
       Allons Family are the best ally we have."
       Sophia nodded, accepting what her mother had said. "Doesn't mean
       it's going to be a long two weeks." She sighed once again and
       fell silent. The last time she has seen Sebastian and his family
       was when she was 10. She was not looking forward to the next
       #Post#: 94008--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Medieval Roleplay 
       By: ThePirate Date: December 21, 2014, 11:06 pm
       Sebastian hated the aristocracy. Schemers and plotters, or
       simply stuck up inbred twats. He was glad his own family weren't
       inbred. The Allons had kept themselves above such...desperation.
       No, they married into other powerful families, playing the power
       game. Sebastian smiled; he'd be the first to let the family down
       on that front.
       Sighing, Sebastian surveyed his family's lands from the window
       of his tower-room. Sellonspear sat on a rocky outcrop, high
       above the fields where their serfs toiled, or the forests where
       they hunted boar. Sebastian noticed a glint of blue on the
       horizen; the flags of their visitors. They would be here soon.
       "Um...Sebastian...sir." The girl spoke from his bed.
       Sebastian's grin widened. He'd forgotten about the girl. "You
       may leave." He said.
       The girl's voice raised a pitch. "Leave?!" She said shrilly.
       Sebastian turned around from the window.
       "Yes." He said. "We have visitors arriving within the hour."
       "But Seb-"
       "But Sebastian...why do you want me to leave?"
       "I see no reason for you to stay." Sebastian said, sitting down
       on the bed, and pulling the blankets off the nubile form of his
       lover. He admired the curves of her body, before she let out a
       short "Humph" and stood up, gathering her dress.
       "You've never made me leave before." She said, hurriedly
       dressing herself. He breasts bobbled attractively as she pulled
       up her dress. Sebastian sighed. "I'm sorry, Elizabeth."
       Elizabeth smiled. "Sebastian. I know I'm not the love of your
       life, and I know how many women you've bedded. I'm not stupid."
       She knelt down and kissed his forehead, before turning, and
       striding out the door.
       Sebastian smiled. The last girl he'd told to leave had slapped
       He let himself fall onto the bed. He was still **** from
       spending a night passionately....rutting. Yeah, rutting sounded
       more like what they did. It wasn't really love making. It was
       intense and passionate.
       The Williamsons. They hadn't stayed at Sellonspear since he was
       fourteen. Their daughter, Sophia, seemed to him a stuck up Royal
       ****, always crying and demanding the servants respect her. But
       who knows? Maybe she had grown up? Maybe, even, she was pretty.
       He wouldn't mind having a stuck-up **** in his bed, to seduce
       her, and show her that she wasn't so almighty.
       But then again, that would be cruel. Sebastian disliked
       mind-games. The only time he deemed it necessary to hurt
       someone, was during war. After all, life was beautiful, and
       everyone should enjoy it.
       His thoughts were cut short, when the door burst open. Sebastian
       sprung to his feet. A maid, quite younger, possibly only
       eighteen summers, stared wide-eyed at his nakedness.
       "Sir..the guests will be arr...arriving shortly...sir." She
       said, he eyes not leaving Sebastian's body.
       "I am aware of that." Sebastian said gently. The maid ran out. A
       sigh crept out of Sebastian's mouth. So this was how it begun,
       eh? He would rather just hide in his room, and wait it out. But,
       born a Prince, you have to act like one. Sighing once more,
       Sebastian started to dress. He was not looking forward to the
       next fortnight.
       #Post#: 94009--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Medieval Roleplay 
       By: WerewolfFan23 Date: December 21, 2014, 11:17 pm
       15 minutes later, Sophia and her family arrive outside the gates
       of The Allons' kingdom. The last sigh escaped her soft lips and
       she kicked her horse into a trot, following her mother's horse,
       whom was following her father's horse. Her parents insisted on
       keeping the tradition of trotting into an allies' kingdom alive.
       Sophia thought it was ridiculous but apparently, it was a sign
       of respect. Personally, Sophia thought the Allons didn't deserve
       her respect. She has heard how some of the servants were
       treated, making her feel fury. She snapped herself out of her
       daydream as she passes the villagers.
       At least their villagers are treated well, she thought to
       She bowed her head and smiled gracefully at the villagers. A
       small girl waved at her and she waved back, her smile becoming
       genuine. If this was how she would feel as Queen, making
       villagers happy, she too would be happy.
       That is why you have no husband, a voice said inside her head.
       She silently agreed. Most of the men who courted her were cruel
       and seem to bathe in other's misery. Sophia knew she would have
       to be wedded and bedded soon but she will not sit beside a cruel
       men who thinks of himself higher than everyone else.
       #Post#: 94010--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Medieval Roleplay 
       By: ThePirate Date: December 21, 2014, 11:51 pm
       Bells echoed through the halls of Sellonspear, as Sebastian
       descended into the Great Hall. He had always loved this room;
       and spent countless hours of his childhood running around,
       hiding under the feasting tables, and lounging his father's
       throne. Happy days. When life was simple and innocent.
       "Ah, Sebastian. Looking dashing!" His father said. His mother
       strode forward and straightened his collar.
       Sebastian let a forced smile creep onto his lips. "When to they
       arrive?" he asked, is gaze lingered on Elizabeth, one of his
       Mother's Ladies-In-Waiting. She smiled back. He loved the way
       the curls of her hair bounced off the soft curve of her neck.
       She was one of the better lovers he'd had.
       The doors of the hall boomed open, and Henry Williamson strode
       in. James grimaced. He was still a pompous fool. What caught his
       attention was a pretty dark haired girl slowly following behind
       the fat Henry.....
       #Post#: 94011--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Medieval Roleplay 
       By: WerewolfFan23 Date: December 22, 2014, 12:02 am
       Sophia followed behind her father, Henry, into the hall, holding
       her up but not high like her mother did. Her eyes wandered
       around the room and rested on the young man standing beside The
       Lord. Her brow furrowed as she didn't recognise him. A few
       moment later, she figured it out.
       Oh my Lord. Is that...no, it can't be. Surely not. Holy crap,
       it's Sebastian! When did he get so...handsome?
       Sophia grimaced as she thought of 'Sebastian' and 'handsome' in
       the same sentence. Her family stopped at the steps below the
       thrones and Sophia stopped beside her father, her mother on his
       right side. Her blue eyes scanned Sebatian's body. He was broad
       but not overly broad. He stood with a perfect posture and his
       eyes seemed curious. Her father than begin speaking, saying to
       his father how long it had been and that he had missed him like
       a brother. Sophia turned her attention to the warm embrace and
       smiled sadly. Her father's real brother was in battle at the
       moment and she missed him terribly. Sophia quickly composed
       herself and the smile disappeared, her lips straight.
       #Post#: 94012--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Medieval Roleplay 
       By: ThePirate Date: December 22, 2014, 12:25 am
       Sebastian watched as the girl observed his father embracing
       Henry. Wait…no…that was Sophia? She was beautiful now? That
       little brat had turned into…that gorgeous woman? Wow. She had
       full lips, and gorgeous eyes! Eyes had always been his weakness.
       That and breasts….and legs. Sebastian smiled to himself. Women
       in general.
       But Sophia was something new. She was…cleaner than most of the
       girls. She just seemed purer. Sebastian shook himself awake. He
       couldn’t be caught staring. But…oh, her breasts thrust against
       the corset she wore, creating beautiful blossoming cleavage. The
       stuck up little bitch…had perfect boobs. Just his luck. He
       turned away, and noticed Elizabeth watching him. She subtly
       motioned to Sophia, then grinned. Sebastian glared at her, and
       her grin widened. His mother flashed her a look, and Elizabeth
       stood to attention once more, but Sebastian knew she was
       fighting the temptation to laugh. She was so…cheeky.
       “And this, as you know, is our son, Sebastian.” His father’s
       voice cut through the chaos of his aroused thoughts. He smiled
       at Henry, distracted as he was by the man’s many chins.
       “Ah, looking good Seb. You’ve grown! Last time I saw you, you
       were this tall.” Henry laughed a bellowing laugh, and motioned
       an incredibly short height. Sebastian was sure he was taller
       than that at fourteen. Henry’s wife strutted forward, and
       Sebastian took her hand, and kissed it.
       Sophia moved forward and Sebastian felt himself almost shake…she
       was so beautiful…and yet…
       #Post#: 94013--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Medieval Roleplay 
       By: WerewolfFan23 Date: December 22, 2014, 12:35 am
       Sophia stepped forward and hesitated for a moment. She was
       nervous being this close to him and then become angered that she
       has to curtsy to a prick. She showed no emotion as she
       gracefully curtsied in front of him. "Good to see you again,
       Sebastian." Her lips were tight and she moved back beside her
       father, remaining quiet. She held her head up, once again.
       Henry smiled at her daughter's politeness and clapped his hands
       together once. "I believe tonight your servants will be putting
       a feast on tonight, Angus?"
       Sophia let out a soft laugh. "Every meal is a feast to you,
       Father." Sophia's mother, Olivia, let her lips fold into a
       "Why not? Food is food and Angus here has the best cook in the
       whole land." Henry smiled at Angus. "I believe my family and I
       need to freshen up before it. Lovely seeing you and your family.
       Sebastian has grown in a handsome, young lad. Be proud."
       Olivia's smile faltered. After having Sophia, Henry and her had
       tried for another child. Unfortunately, Olivia couldn't mother
       another child. She shook off her sadness and grabbed Henry's
       arm, steering him towards the entrance. Sophia quietly followed
       behind, holding her dress up so it didn't drag along the floor.
       #Post#: 94014--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Medieval Roleplay 
       By: ThePirate Date: December 22, 2014, 12:48 am
       God damn it. A feast? His father barely ever hosted feasts. For
       special occasions they were. Angus knew this, and took every
       opportunity to create extravagant dishes. But why eat posh, when
       a simple beef pie would do? God, noblemen could be so arrogant.
       Sophia must have noticed his distaste, for her eyes narrowed. He
       was taken aback at such venom! Smiling as sweetly as he could,
       he asked his father if he could have leave to prepare for the
       feast, and once it was granted, strode off to his room. He hoped
       Elizabeth would follow, for he needed to get some of the anger
       and stress out of his system, and the intensity of sex was the
       best way to do so.
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