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       #Post#: 1851--------------------------------------------------
       Rules and HEADS-UP (All users must read!) 
       By: WerewolfFan23 Date: April 17, 2012, 1:56 am
       Forum Rules
       1. No fighting what so ever or you will be banned or your
       account will be deleted from this forum.
       2. Any bullying of any type and your account will be deleted
       from this forum.
       3. If anybody steals someone else's characters will be banned
       for a week.
       4. If you dis-include someone in a roleplay, you will be banned
       up to 1 week max.
       Forum HEADS-UP
       1. Roleplays not posted in within 1 month will be deleted.
       2. If the owner of a roleplay wishes to delete the roleplay for
       any reason, post in the topic about the deleting of the