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       #Post#: 41463--------------------------------------------------
       UFOs on Campus
       By: sbufan Date: November 27, 2023, 6:53 am
       I have no idea who this guy is, but apparently he thinks Stony
       Brook University is housing a secret UFO program
 (HTM) https://twitter.com/EricRWeinstein/status/1728933174636621847
       It would be fun if this conspiracy theory gains some steam.
       #Post#: 41464--------------------------------------------------
       Re: UFOs on Campus
       By: Chairman of the Board Date: November 27, 2023, 7:37 am
       i need to hear more.  thanks sbufan!
 (HTM) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVmmEFWzbQo
 (HTM) https://www.reddit.com/r/SBU/comments/121r5ta/eric_weinstein_predicts_secret_government_program/