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       #Post#: 21589--------------------------------------------------
       Stony Brook Squash
       By: OldSeawolf Date: February 27, 2018, 1:38 pm
       Not sure how many of you know this, but when I was an UG at SBU
       in the late 1970's/early 1980's, we had a Squash team, which was
       Division 1 - our only D1 sport, I believe, until we upgraded our
       athletics department with the overall move to D1.
       Not sure how many Squash teams there were in the country, but we
       ranked in the nation's Top 20, 24 different seasons.  And to top
       it off, we had an NCAA All-American player, Stu Goldstein (class
       of '1974), who went Pro, and ranked # 1 in the world
       internationally for 2 of his 8 pro years.  He also was a
       subsequent large donor to the University.
       Here's an article on that:
 (HTM) http://www.stonybrook.edu/athletics/gen/acad.htm
       Pretty cool stuff.   Anyone know why we disbanded squash as an
       intercollegiate sport?
       #Post#: 21590--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Stony Brook Squash
       By: Chairman of the Board Date: February 27, 2018, 1:44 pm
       was very familiar with goldstein through the signs in the
       athletics complex.  of course, we sacrificed our squash courts
       for a better cause- an NFL caliber training facility.  but we
       did name the academic center after him and he's in the HoF.
       thanks for sharing!
       #Post#: 21593--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Stony Brook Squash
       By: ry1nik Date: February 27, 2018, 5:42 pm
       [quote author=OldSeawolf link=topic=684.msg21589#msg21589
       Not sure how many of you know this, but when I was an UG at SBU
       in the late 1970's/early 1980's, we had a Squash team, which was
       Division 1 - our only D1 sport, I believe, until we upgraded our
       athletics department with the overall move to D1.
       Not sure how many Squash teams there were in the country, but we
       ranked in the nation's Top 20, 24 different seasons.  And to top
       it off, we had an NCAA All-American player, Stu Goldstein (class
       of '1974), who went Pro, and ranked # 1 in the world
       internationally for 2 of his 8 pro years.  He also was a
       subsequent large donor to the University.
       Here's an article on that:
 (HTM) http://www.stonybrook.edu/athletics/gen/acad.htm
       Pretty cool stuff.   Anyone know why we disbanded squash as an
       intercollegiate sport?
       Stuart was also the RA in Kelly A when I was a freshman there in
       ‘75. I remember him clearly.
       #Post#: 21603--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Stony Brook Squash
       By: OldSeawolf Date: February 27, 2018, 8:53 pm
       I was a Freshman in 1976, but don’t remember him. I do remember
       Snyder, the squash coach, who always had a cigar in his mouth.
       He was also the guy who ran a great intramural program at sbu.
       Back when you could take phys ed courses for credit, I took
       racquetball/squash one semester. Loved RB, but hated squash -
       didn’t like the dead ball.
       Glad we have the FB facility now, but I logged quite a few hrs
       of RB time during my years at sbu, so a little bittersweet to
       see those courts gone.
       #Post#: 41440--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Stony Brook Squash
       By: schoenj Date: November 22, 2023, 8:49 pm
       I covered SBU squash for the Statesman, and was on the team in
       the early 1980s.
       I played competively, at a teaching pro level, for a few decades
       until switching to tennis.  I just started playing squash again.
       Squash was never an NCAA sport.
       SBU was ranked in the top 10 in the country four times.
       Goldstein was the University's first All-American athlete.
       When the new administration came in and changed the name to
       Seawolves (ughh!), they didn't give a damn about squash, and
       were disrespectful to Coach Snyder, which drove him away.  He
       never entered the gym again, and even refused an honour.
       #Post#: 41443--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Stony Brook Squash
       By: ecasadoSBU Date: November 24, 2023, 10:20 am
       [quote author=schoenj link=topic=684.msg41440#msg41440
       I covered SBU squash for the Statesman, and was on the team in
       the early 1980s.
       I played competively, at a teaching pro level, for a few decades
       until switching to tennis.  I just started playing squash again.
       Squash was never an NCAA sport.
       SBU was ranked in the top 10 in the country four times.
       Goldstein was the University's first All-American athlete.
       When the new administration came in and changed the name to
       Seawolves (ughh!), they didn't give a damn about squash, and
       were disrespectful to Coach Snyder, which drove him away.  He
       never entered the gym again, and even refused an honour.
       Wow. That's a shame!
       Nice to have you here in this board of Stony Brook Fanatics.