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       #Post#: 38737--------------------------------------------------
       Making SB better- Idea Thread 2.0
       By: Chairman of the Board Date: February 7, 2023, 8:08 am
       it's been 10 years.  so it's time.  let's recap what progress we
       have made.
 (HTM) http://sbufan.createaforum.com/around-stony-brook/making-sb-better-idea-thread/
       college town: no movement.  i suppose some new shops on 25a were
       added, but i dont think it's moved the needle.  PJ bus was a
       good idea but im not sure if its still running nor who uses it.
       quads: i was on campus over the weekend.  while it's light years
       better than 25 years ago, nothing much has moved in the last 10.
       still mud and broken concrete, rusty tanks, puddles, garbage,
       dirt, weeds everywhere.  yes i walked all around campus i always
       hall naming: some progress.  noble hall, chavez, tubman, for
       school naming: no progress.
       tower: the wang center went up 20 years ago but i think the
       question is- does that make the U recognizable, where HS
       students see it and automatically think SBU.  i think no.
       building aesthetics- not a ton of movement, but it was about
       time they renovated the Union (and the Bridge).  so that's a
       victory.  (this excludes new construction; i'm limiting this to
       existing buildings.)
       NYC presence: none, but we are a finalist for the governor's
       island opportunity.  that'd be great.
       housing crisis: no progress, though, you could argue increased
       enrollment is a good thing of course
       student hierarchy / honors dorms: none
       tradition: still none, in fact, may have retreated much
       legends: still very little, still losing time
       rivalry: what we may have built with UMBC and vermont and SUNYs
       is maybe gone, maybe even JMU.  though, things are looking up
       for the CAA, whether it's W&M, Del, Towson, hof, etc.
       student activities: abysmal.  maybe improved but still abysmal.
       weekends: worse than abysmal.  so no movement.  the reviews are
       fight song: we have one, but most really dont know it or care.
       so no real progress.
       athletics: bball made the jump, but that's not the point.  the
       point is bball shouldve made the jump 4-5 times already.  so
       it's a huge letdown.  so is football.  wlax has been an
       outperformer, maybe even wbball.  baseball does it's usual, i
       think, which is good to great.
       athletics attendance: still awful, but perhaps improved.  a bit.
       am i wrong?  i dont believe in build it and they will come.
       the proof is in.
       student misery/disaffection: still at a level unparalleled with
       pretty much any other university on earth.
       *   *   *
       please feel free to add/remove/expand.  the point is- we are
       losing time- and ground- to our peers.  this is very damaging to
       the university and holds us back from being truly great among
       the likes of UNC, UCLA, UVa, mich, texas, etc.
       on the brighter side, the academic reputation and accolades
       continue to roll in.  big victories in- keeping tuition down,
       lion's share of state funding (comparatively), flagship
       designation, diversity initiatives, economic mobility, etc. have
       continued to garner attention.  USNWR climb.  added a great
       seal.  new pharma school.  beer at athletics.  there's been much
       construction on campus which is good.  javits reno underway.
       new food halls are amazing.  athletic facilities have grown and
       will continue to.  conference jump.  the new pres at least
       mentioned student life and athletics, showed up to a game, etc.
       #Post#: 38810--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Making SB better- Idea Thread 2.0
       By: NoVA_Seawolf Date: February 10, 2023, 7:23 pm
       The theme is nothing as far as student life and athletics has
       changed much. SBU still has the same reputation of being a
       commuter school that's dead on weekends with no real emphasis on
       athletics or student activities.
       The academic reputation has technically improved, but at what
       cost? We're really the school for NYC kids who want a good deal
       and those who think grades/school are everything. That's it.
       #Post#: 38945--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Making SB better- Idea Thread 2.0
       By: Chairman of the Board Date: February 22, 2023, 8:52 am
       interesting discussion here:
       Is Stony Brook a diverse campus? We asked students what they
 (HTM) https://www.sbstatesman.com/2023/02/21/is-stony-brook-a-diverse-campus-we-asked-students-what-they-think/
       wayyy back when i was there, SB was the most diverse place i've
       ever seen.  more than NYC.  however, much like other parts of
       LI, i dont think SB was integrated.  maybe it's changed but i
       get out to campus and in the limited amount ive seen it's not
       much different.
       #Post#: 39320--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Making SB better- Idea Thread 2.0
       By: Chairman of the Board Date: March 13, 2023, 12:31 pm
 (HTM) https://alumniandfriends.stonybrook.edu/site/DocServer/Stony_Brook_Foundation_President_s_Report_March_2023.pdf?docID=4381
       Since the start of the 2023 fiscal year, $35.7 million has been
       generously pledged or contributed
       by more than 6,024 donors. Their investments in our students,
       research, healthcare and
       campus programs provide critical support, helping to elevate the
       Generous contributions since the last update include:
       • $2.6 million in gifts to the Pediatric Emergency Department
       • $2.5 million pledge to the Stony Brook Athletics
       Baseball/Softball Complex
       • $1.5 million planned gift for an Endowed Chair in the
       Department of Sociology
       • $1.5 million pledge for PhD/Graduate Fellowships in the
       Department of Chemistry
       • $1.5 million pledge to establish an Endowed Chair in the
       Department of Obstetrics and
       • $500,000 in gifts and pledges to the Stony Brook Athletics
       Men’s Basketball program
       • $450,000 gift to the Staller Center for the Arts
       • $437,000 gift to the School of Dental Medicine to improve
       access for pediatric oral
       • $375,000 pledge to the School of Marine and Atmospheric
       • $250,000 gift to the Math Department Distinguished Lecture in
       Algebra and Algebraic
       • $250,000 gift towards Renaissance School of Medicine
       scholarship support
       • $230,000 gift towards STEM outreach programming
       • $200,000 gift to the Alan Alda Center for Communicating
       • $200,000 in support of the Carol Baldwin Breast Cancer
       Research fund
       • $200,000 gift to the Department of Pharmacology Laboratory of
       Chemical Biology
       • $150,000 pledge to the Foodlab at Stony Brook Southampton
       • $105,000 gift to support the Garcia Center for Polymers in the
       College of Engineering
       and Applied Sciences
       • $100,000 gift to Stony Brook Athletics
       • $100,000 gift towards student scholarships in the Political
       Science Department
       • $100,000 gift towards student scholarships in the Department
       of Electrical Engineering[/quote]
       #Post#: 39496--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Making SB better- Idea Thread 2.0
       By: Chairman of the Board Date: March 28, 2023, 2:57 pm
       tuition hike???
       SUNY needs a tuition hike
       Solve this problem: How can New York's public colleges and
       universities continue to offer a quality education when a lack
       of funding is causing them to reduce staff, increase class size
       and delay new initiatives?
       Gov. Kathy Hochul's solution is a tuition increase for students
       from households earning more than $125,000. If the State
       Legislature agrees, CUNY and most SUNY schools will likely enact
       a 3% increase while the system's four university centers — Stony
       Brook, Albany, Buffalo and Binghamton — would impose a 6% hike.
       The annual hikes would be authorized for five years. It's tough
       math but Hochul's answer is correct.
       For New Yorkers, SUNY would still be a good deal. A combination
       of TAP and Pell grants, along with Excelsior scholarships,
       already cover the full tuition costs of 53% of SUNY students and
       80% of CUNY enrollees, and those grants would increase to match
       any tuition hikes.
       The need for more revenue is especially acute for Stony Brook,
       one of SUNY's two flagship universities. With 24,000 students
       and a top medical center, it is making solid strides to place in
       the top tier of the nation's public universities. Currently,
       tuition at SBU is $7,070 a year. That's less that other top
       state schools in the Northeast such as Rutgers (where tuition is
       $12,900), the University of Connecticut ($15,772) and Penn State
       ($19,286). After five years of increases, SBU would still be
       among the very lowest at $10,655.
       The governor's budget proposal, tied to the inflation rate for
       higher education, comes after a decade of little increase in
       state operating aid and a tuition freeze since 2019. As a
       result, facilities are worn down, laboratories are out of date,
       and the ranks of professors and administrative staff have
       shrunk. Most of SBU's buildings were built more than a
       half-century ago; $1.8 billion in deferred maintenance awaits.
       As college enrollments decrease nationwide, attendance at SUNY
       schools would erode if their programs and campuses start to
       While students are being asked to pay more, so are state
       taxpayers. Hochul’s budget proposal includes $400 million in new
       funding for capital projects, $200 million to bolster IT
       infrastructure and a $500 million pot for matching contributions
       made to the four university centers. This first-of-its-kind
       matching grant program can attract more support for the
       important research being done at Stony Brook from biofuels and
       batteries to hydrogen fuel and quantum internet technology.
       The hikes come at a difficult financial time for many in this
       unsettled economy. Hochul's proposal has been met with a
       ferocious pushback from state legislators who not only oppose a
       hike but unrealistically counter that CUNY and SUNY should be
       free for all. With this small and predictable tuition increase,
       these schools can continue to provide an excellent education and
       ensure that their diplomas remain a valuable credential.
       Stony Brook reacts to planned SUNY tuition increase
 (HTM) https://www.sbstatesman.com/2023/03/28/stony-brook-reacts-to-planned-suny-tuition-increase/
       Report: Stony Brook University Tuition Could Rise 51% in 5 Years
       Under Executive Budget Proposal
 (HTM) https://www.longisland.com/news/03-27-23/report-stony-brook-university-tuition-could-rise-51-in-5-years-under-executive-budget-proposal.html
       #Post#: 39499--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Making SB better- Idea Thread 2.0
       By: Hammertime Date: March 28, 2023, 8:10 pm
       [quote author=Chairman of the Board
       link=topic=993.msg39496#msg39496 date=1680033436]
       tuition hike???
       SUNY needs a tuition hike
       Solve this problem: How can New York's public colleges and
       universities continue to offer a quality education when a lack
       of funding is causing them to reduce staff, increase class size
       and delay new initiatives?
       Gov. Kathy Hochul's solution is a tuition increase for students
       from households earning more than $125,000. If the State
       Legislature agrees, CUNY and most SUNY schools will likely enact
       a 3% increase while the system's four university centers — Stony
       Brook, Albany, Buffalo and Binghamton — would impose a 6% hike.
       The annual hikes would be authorized for five years. It's tough
       math but Hochul's answer is correct.
       For New Yorkers, SUNY would still be a good deal. A combination
       of TAP and Pell grants, along with Excelsior scholarships,
       already cover the full tuition costs of 53% of SUNY students and
       80% of CUNY enrollees, and those grants would increase to match
       any tuition hikes.
       The need for more revenue is especially acute for Stony Brook,
       one of SUNY's two flagship universities. With 24,000 students
       and a top medical center, it is making solid strides to place in
       the top tier of the nation's public universities. Currently,
       tuition at SBU is $7,070 a year. That's less that other top
       state schools in the Northeast such as Rutgers (where tuition is
       $12,900), the University of Connecticut ($15,772) and Penn State
       ($19,286). After five years of increases, SBU would still be
       among the very lowest at $10,655.
       The governor's budget proposal, tied to the inflation rate for
       higher education, comes after a decade of little increase in
       state operating aid and a tuition freeze since 2019. As a
       result, facilities are worn down, laboratories are out of date,
       and the ranks of professors and administrative staff have
       shrunk. Most of SBU's buildings were built more than a
       half-century ago; $1.8 billion in deferred maintenance awaits.
       As college enrollments decrease nationwide, attendance at SUNY
       schools would erode if their programs and campuses start to
       While students are being asked to pay more, so are state
       taxpayers. Hochul’s budget proposal includes $400 million in new
       funding for capital projects, $200 million to bolster IT
       infrastructure and a $500 million pot for matching contributions
       made to the four university centers. This first-of-its-kind
       matching grant program can attract more support for the
       important research being done at Stony Brook from biofuels and
       batteries to hydrogen fuel and quantum internet technology.
       The hikes come at a difficult financial time for many in this
       unsettled economy. Hochul's proposal has been met with a
       ferocious pushback from state legislators who not only oppose a
       hike but unrealistically counter that CUNY and SUNY should be
       free for all. With this small and predictable tuition increase,
       these schools can continue to provide an excellent education and
       ensure that their diplomas remain a valuable credential.
       Stony Brook reacts to planned SUNY tuition increase
 (HTM) https://www.sbstatesman.com/2023/03/28/stony-brook-reacts-to-planned-suny-tuition-increase/
       Report: Stony Brook University Tuition Could Rise 51% in 5 Years
       Under Executive Budget Proposal
 (HTM) https://www.longisland.com/news/03-27-23/report-stony-brook-university-tuition-could-rise-51-in-5-years-under-executive-budget-proposal.html
       My son is a senior at SBU and I pay a lot more then $7000 a year
       for his school.
       #Post#: 39501--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Making SB better- Idea Thread 2.0
       By: iBOsbu Date: March 29, 2023, 9:38 am
       Probably another $3-4k? That’s fees. Every student pays. Other
       colleges also have fees in addition to tuition.
       #Post#: 39717--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Making SB better- Idea Thread 2.0
       By: Chairman of the Board Date: April 24, 2023, 4:29 pm
       another thing that SB does wrong that others get right-
       organizations not working towards a common goal.
 (HTM) https://www.sbstatesman.com/2023/04/23/stony-brook-media-relations-has-a-troubled-history-with-student-media/
       #Post#: 39718--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Making SB better- Idea Thread 2.0
       By: Chairman of the Board Date: April 24, 2023, 7:43 pm
       The state of the university: what McInnis has to say
 (HTM) https://www.sbstatesman.com/2023/04/23/the-state-of-the-university-what-mcinnis-has-to-say/
       McInnis addressed the proposed 30% State University of New York
       (SUNY) tuition increase, parking changes, the CulinArt
       investigation, racist incidents on campus and other issues. The
       Statesman, The Stony Brook Press, Black World and The Stony
       Brook Media Group were in attendance.
       “Over the last 12 years, there have only been modest tuition
       increases,” McInnis said. “It means that we have had to pay for
       inflationary costs, the most significant of which are the
       contracted salary increases that are negotiated by the state and
       mandatory that we pay.”
       The increase still leaves Stony Brook thousands of dollars
       cheaper than in-state tuition of surrounding states, McInnis
       #Post#: 39795--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Making SB better- Idea Thread 2.0
       By: Chairman of the Board Date: May 4, 2023, 10:38 pm
       really good to see the roth regatta is still going strong:
 (HTM) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLeEyuc95Nw&t=138s
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