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       #Post#: 13197--------------------------------------------------
       Monday morning 
       By: favorite grandma Date: August 20, 2012, 5:01 am
       another week is on it's way..........how are you spending today?
       #Post#: 13198--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Monday morning 
       By: favorite grandma Date: August 20, 2012, 5:01 am
       good morning.........
       DGD's first day of 3rd grade.   the drama started  last night
       with the discussion of the alarm time - she wanted 6:45, because
       her BFF is getting up at that time!  she's supposed to be there
       at 8:50.  I have no idea what she thought she was going to be
       needing to do for all that time, she can't even get into her
       classroom early.  we agreed on 7:00.  hope we didn't "ruin her
       life"  LOL
       then it's back to pick her up at 3:00.  DH needs to go to the
       airport to pick up DD2 & SIL (gone out of town for a wedding).
       I'll wait here with DGD for DD1.  DGD will be back at bedtime.
       have a great day!
       #Post#: 13199--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Monday morning 
       By: Milie Date: August 20, 2012, 7:41 am
       Morning!! Crazy morning so far.. Had a super busy weekend..
       cleaned out a LOT.. bought more items for nursery.. Bella still
       coughing at night so need to call dr. also need to make her 2
       year appt..  My dentist appt went well no cavities, OB went
       well.. Marc shampooed the carpet, and well, all the furniture is
       in the way! UGH.. he sees no rush in moving them back either..
       MEN!!!! Fridge cleaned out.. nursery wiped down.. clothes from 2
       weeks washed and folded, my master bath and bed scrubbed down..
       my closet cleaned out some.. I walk crooked today..lol..
       Have a great day ladies!!
       #Post#: 13200--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Monday morning 
       By: maddawg Date: August 20, 2012, 8:06 am
       Good A.M. Not much happening here. Fingers and toes = need toes
       fixed up for the shore. The countdown coming for when I leave.
       Can't wait. Getting to see the grands. woo hooo!! Not much else
       going on.
       #Post#: 13201--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Monday morning 
       By: Diana Date: August 20, 2012, 9:42 am
       Good morning,
       Left the girls in school early this morning, Natalie had to get
       up at 6:00 since now I have to drop Monica off first at 7:00 and
       then take Natalie to school that starts at 8:00 traffic was so
       bad that it took me 1 hr to go 5 miles.  Needless, to say
       Natalie was late her first day of school.
       Daniel is happier than a pig in S****! I'm handling it ok,
       sometimes I get teary eyed but knowing that he is on his way to
       become a man, I'm happy. I did get his room all nice a organize
       because I know that it will probably never look like that again.
       He will be coming home for labor day so I won't miss him to
       much after that, I will see him again in Thanksgiving.  All is
       Stan, Natalie and Tyler made such a mess in this house this
       weeekend, I just don't understand it, but I'm picking up and
       Hope everyone has a great day.
       #Post#: 13202--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Monday morning 
       By: Resa Date: August 20, 2012, 10:57 am
       Gosh Milie. Looks as though you are in the throws of the
       "nesting period".
       Diana, I feel your pain. I finally had a few days off last week.
       I went to work this weekend and now the house looks like
       something exploded in here. I need to start the process all over
       again plus add sheets to the mix today.
       I have two days off in a row, first time in about 3 months.
       Day one: clean my house again cuz Hubby and DD did a number on
       it this weekend when I was working
       Day two: play with some scrappy stuff.
       maybe if I am good, I can be a little scrappy today as well. ;)
       #Post#: 13216--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Monday morning 
       By: SherrieScraps Date: August 20, 2012, 2:13 pm
       I'm at work, it's registration time and things are a little
       hectic.  Our registrar announced her retirement a week ago and
       we are scrambling to find a replacement.  Can you believe in 24
       hours of the job posting we had over 50 applications?!!
       Hoping to get some scrappy time tonight, we will see!!
       #Post#: 13217--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Monday morning 
       By: nfaband Date: August 20, 2012, 2:20 pm
       Afternoon ladies ... I'm just taking a little break from
       cleaning and sorting and trashing the junk, we have the real
       estate agent coming tomorrow evening s I can sign a listing
       agreement for the house.  He needs to get in here to take photos
       as well for the website, but I really think we need to get a bit
       more cleanup and organization done before he does that, I'm
       hoping he'll give me until the end of the week.
       Morgan had a bit of a fender bender this past weekend, ugh, I'm
       paying for all the repairs and the kids rental car so we canI
       keep it off our insurance and save the rates from skyrocketing.
       Waiting also on a few other things I have going, lots of calls
       to make and believe it or not I'm still writing out thank you
       cards from the funeral.
       Went to the Mohegan tribes Pow Wow this past weekend, it was sad
       to be there without Brian, but I know his spirit was there with
       me.  He is actually buried on the grounds where the pow wow was
       held, so that made it kind of special and I was able to go see
       his headstone which was also just placed this past week.  I
       really think he would be pleased with how it turned out.
       Not much else new ... just hoping you're all well and enjoying
       what's left of summer.  The leaves on trees here are already
       starting to show signs of color, I sure hope that doesn't mean
       that we'll have an early winter.
       #Post#: 13226--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Monday morning 
       By: jscraps4u Date: August 20, 2012, 3:21 pm
       Busy...very busy!
       #Post#: 13229--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Monday morning 
       By: Milie Date: August 20, 2012, 3:26 pm
       You are right Resa! I think so.. but now my body is giving up..
       ugh.. reason I wanted to start early.. mom can walk faster than
       me now..LOL.. I have to hold on when I get up and have to go
       slow.. wow.. and I don't go to the chiro until next week!!
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