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       #Post#: 13585--------------------------------------------------
       Sunday - start of another week
       By: favorite grandma Date: August 26, 2012, 7:28 am
       how are you spending this fabulous day?
       #Post#: 13586--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sunday - start of another week
       By: favorite grandma Date: August 26, 2012, 7:30 am
       good morning - we're off to Church in a bit.  I am taking treats
       for fellowship after Church, so need to be there a bit early.
       We'll be staying after for a bit as DGD is old enough to be
       acolyte and has to meet with the leader.
       have DGD here until 5 ish.  not sure what we'll be doing, if
       it's not raining, I'm sure we'll be in the pool.
       have a great day!
       #Post#: 13587--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sunday - start of another week
       By: maddawg Date: August 26, 2012, 8:16 am
       updated the blog. hanging with the grands. going to do something
       later, don't know what but it'll be fun. updated the blog even.
       #Post#: 13594--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sunday - start of another week
       By: Diana Date: August 26, 2012, 11:09 am
       Raining and windy.  Some people are already without power.  Hope
       we don't loose it, it's pretty hot to have no power but that
       lights have been flickering off and on all morning, and it's not
       even that bad yet. I still don;t understand why power goes off
       with any little wind.
       I'm going to finish vacuuming and cleaning Tyler's room that its
       finally emptied and we will start decorating it for Natalie.
       have a great day, if I don't check in well you know what
       happend. ;D
       #Post#: 13596--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sunday - start of another week
       By: Resa Date: August 26, 2012, 2:52 pm
       curled up on the couch.  :(
       feeling pretty blah, stomach issues.
       I have a feeling i need an update on some meds.
       Guess I will be visiting the doc as soon as she can get me in.
       have a good day everyone.
       #Post#: 13598--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sunday - start of another week
       By: tallulah Date: August 26, 2012, 3:01 pm
       Aww Resa. hope you feel better.  You probably need some rest!
       I finished my two contest Layouts and posted, now to get the
       card one done.  "JUST " in case Isaac decided to come to NE GA,
       I gotta have all my deadlines done.  And dang I got more on my
       WANT to do list.......  lol
       #Post#: 13599--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sunday - start of another week
       By: simplyscrappin Date: August 26, 2012, 4:21 pm
       homework homework and more homework, watching the wind blow and
       rain do to issac he should be on this coast sometime tomorrow..
       no school me or my kiddos i also took the day off work too so
       hopefully i can make some sence out of my scrapbook room need to
       do some re-oganizing i inheritted alot of stuff from my friend..
       #Post#: 13602--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sunday - start of another week
       By: SherrieScraps Date: August 26, 2012, 9:36 pm
       All you Florida chicks stay safe!
       My Mom came home from the hospital today and is doing much
       better.  DD#1 came up from Baltimore with Joey and we all spent
       the day together.  Cooked dinner for Mom/Dad and then it started
       to rain (which is much needed here).  Gotta get ready for work
       tomorrow so no scrapping tonight.