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       #Post#: 14069--------------------------------------------------
       Holy POOP, It's September! Not long till Fall!!!
       By: KikiJames Date: September 1, 2012, 10:24 am
       I don't know about you, but we are having upper 90's 100's again
       this weekend and I am SO ready for Fall. I can't believe the
       year is 3/4 over already! The older you get, the faster life
       goes. (Unless you are doing something you don't like, like work.
       ;) LOL)
       So, what are you plans for making the last 4 months of 2012
       #Post#: 14076--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Holy POOP, It's September! Not long till Fall!!!
       By: Resa Date: September 1, 2012, 11:00 am
       i am playing the waiting game. we are having a house built (i
       know, you have all heard it before, LOL) and it will be done for
       the first of the year. So my goal is to make it through these
       last few months without killing a contractor, driving my husband
       up the wall fretting, and not stressing out.
       i am also just starting up a business of sorts working at
       running card making/scrapbooking/paper crafting classes at a
       store. So my focus is to be very successful with establishing
       this career for myself. I love it so far. i get to make my own
       schedule. I work with great people. And i have had a couple of
       classes already with two calendars already set into motion for
       Sept and Oct.
       #Post#: 14091--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Holy POOP, It's September! Not long till Fall!!!
       By: Barb Date: September 1, 2012, 11:45 am
 (HTM) http://i717.photobucket.com/albums/ww173/prestonjjrtr/Smileys/Smiley11-1.gif<br
 (HTM) http://i717.photobucket.com/albums/ww173/prestonjjrtr/Smileys/Smiley11-1.gif<br
       Me I am not sure what I am going to do besides get into the sun
       as much as I can .....
       #Post#: 14118--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Holy POOP, It's September! Not long till Fall!!!
       By: Mel H. Date: September 1, 2012, 1:27 pm
       Does surviving the last 4 months work for making them count?
       I'm working on finishing my bachelors degree so I'm just aiming
       for survival.  And I'd like to survive them by getting A's in
       all my classes, LOL!
       #Post#: 14138--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Holy POOP, It's September! Not long till Fall!!!
       By: jscraps4u Date: September 1, 2012, 3:16 pm
       We are in survival mode.  My husband basically lost his job
       yesterday, but he was given 30 days to improve.  Whatever that
       means.  But, it is a month worth of paychecks and time to find
       My stomach hasn't stopped doing back flips since he told me.
       #Post#: 14177--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Holy POOP, It's September! Not long till Fall!!!
       By: KikiJames Date: September 1, 2012, 7:02 pm
       Resa, that sounds like a lot of fun. :) I tried my first class
       and had NO sign-ups. :-P Oh well, maybe next time. I hope it
       continues to go well for you. :)
       Sorry, Barb, do you need a napkin for that??? ;)
       Mel, it DOES count and I wish you all the best! You can do it.
       Janet, I am SO sorry. I know just how scary it can be. I hope he
       is able to "improve" to their liking, or maybe this is time for
       him to find something better. Prayers for the coming stressful
       #Post#: 14178--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Holy POOP, It's September! Not long till Fall!!!
       By: KikiJames Date: September 1, 2012, 7:06 pm
       Well, as you can see from all of my annoying Etsy posts, you
       know I will be opening up my store soon. I have NO idea what to
       expect and am quite nervous that it won't go as well as I hope.
       I am also "looking" for a part time job. (Well, not TOO hard,
       yet...but still) I have set my sites on sending in my resume to
       the Scentsy office/warehouse here in town. It sounds like just
       the perfect place for me. They do not have any openings listed
       in the department I'd like to work in, so I may just send my
       resume in anyway and hope for the best. :)