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       #Post#: 14998--------------------------------------------------
       What were you doing today, 11 years ago?
       By: KikiJames Date: September 11, 2012, 8:46 am
       What a day that was. Sleeping on the floor of my grandmother's
       dinning room with my mom while visiting GM in Montana. Dad was
       already up watching tv. He came in and woke us up after seeing
       the first plane hit the tower. Then, the second one hit.
       I called Randy to see if he knew what was going on because he
       should have been at work by that time. I called 3 times and he
       didn't answer. He finally called back. He had been sleeping
       because he was not feeling well.
       It was a very somber day sitting and watching while it all
       unfolded. Over the next couple of days, my mom and I would walk
       the small town collecting news papers to take home. After the
       airports were closed and we were delayed by 1 day, we headed to
       the airport the night before our flight. We were going to just
       hang out at the airport over night because we had the first
       flight out the next morning. We could not do that because the
       airport was still closed. So, we had to rent a car and find the
       nearest room we could find available. It was a very tough flight
       to be on.
       I will never forget.
       #Post#: 15002--------------------------------------------------
       Re: What were you doing today, 11 years ago?
       By: Resa Date: September 11, 2012, 9:06 am
       I was teaching my special ed preschool class. We had a tv in the
       room, but were busy with our day to day activities. One of the
       maintenance staff came running in and asked if there were more
       details about the plane crash. We had no idea what he was
       talking about. I turned on the tv to see a plane had collided
       with the first building. And then suddenly, it fell. I had not
       even walked away from the tv yet. after that the day was kind of
       a blur. The kids were oblivious to what was going on. Anytime we
       passed a tv, we stopped to see what had happened. I remember
       feeling so sad, but so proud to know that the people in the
       plane that had been headed for the white house were able to stop
       that event. They were heroes even though they knew they would be
       sacrificing themselves for their country.
       I got a call from my sister a while later. Her husband is from
       New York. He was having difficulty reaching friends and family.
       His best friend was a firefighter right down near the towers. No
       one could reach him or the fire house. In the end, he was
       alright, was actually off that day. But most of his house was
       It was a terrible event in the history of our country. There
       were many heroes that day. And the event definitely changed how
       we look at ourselves and the world.
       #Post#: 15008--------------------------------------------------
       Re: What were you doing today, 11 years ago?
       By: Barb Date: September 11, 2012, 9:12 am
       I was watching T.V. dont remember what I was watching but it was
       deland and I actually saw the secound one hit as I was watching
       trying to figure out what was going on. It doesn't seem like 11
       yrs and I dont we will forget.
       #Post#: 15021--------------------------------------------------
       Re: What were you doing today, 11 years ago?
       By: maddawg Date: September 11, 2012, 10:02 am
       I was in a class in the Tampa City Center when it went down.
       They finally just gave up the class because we were just focused
       on events. Especially as more and more started to unfold.
       #Post#: 15024--------------------------------------------------
       Re: What were you doing today, 11 years ago?
       By: Milie Date: September 11, 2012, 10:13 am
       I was waking up for a Transportation Engineering class in
       College.. I used to wake up with tv, and saw this smoke, and
       remember hearing some kamakaze attack, thought it was a movie
       first, but it was news. I woke up DH then BF who was sleeping in
       my dorm room and told him look, look.. and as he opens his eyes
       we see the 2nd plane hit the WTC live. I show up to class late,
       and was the first one to tell them about what happened no one in
       the class knew and basically civil dept knew.. on my way back to
       the dorm, I hear about the others down the AA, Pentagon. I freak
       the crap out and DH and I headed to his mom's for the day, no
       more classes for me. My university is next to a Lockheed Martin
       and Air Force Base, so we got out of there. It's like yesterday,
       I still remember.
       #Post#: 15030--------------------------------------------------
       Re: What were you doing today, 11 years ago?
       By: SherrieScraps Date: September 11, 2012, 11:19 am
       I had just dropped my two daughters off to school and was at the
       post office when the first plane hit.  Unknowing, I went to
       another shop to pick up some items when the secretary told me
       about the second plane.  We had a trucking business at the time
       and we had two trucks in NY that day, one on Long Island and the
       other in White Plains.  DH was in another truck on his way to
       California.  None of the drivers could get through on the
       phones, we spent a few anxious hours before we finally heard
       from them that they were okay, all bridges/tunnels from NY were
       shut down so they basically had to stay put.
       DS was in the Navy and in Power School in Charleston.  I was so
       glad to hear from him that night, I thought for sure he would be
       deployed right away.
       They let the schools out early, as some children had parents
       that worked at the Pentagon.  We just sat in front of the TV and
       cried all day.  I remember it like it was yesterday....
       #Post#: 15045--------------------------------------------------
       Re: What were you doing today, 11 years ago?
       By: simplyscrappin Date: September 11, 2012, 3:36 pm
       i was going to the grocery store when the breaking news came
       over the radio.. had a hard time shopping for walmart had all
       the T.v.'s on..
       #Post#: 15047--------------------------------------------------
       Re: What were you doing today, 11 years ago?
       By: scrapmouse Date: September 11, 2012, 6:00 pm
       I remember that day like it was yesterday, not 11 years ago.  I
       was in the classroom with about 12 three year olds.  I remember
       the surreal feeling driving home after class and watching the
       newcasts and the reliving of the whole thing. It was the only
       day that I can remember that I went and picked up my kids from
       school just because I needed them with me. Hopefully, we will
       never experience anything like that again.
       #Post#: 15048--------------------------------------------------
       Re: What were you doing today, 11 years ago?
       By: Diana Date: September 11, 2012, 7:19 pm
       I was at an Insurance seminar, when we were on our break and
       they were talking about the first plane hitting then we saw the
       second one hit.  After the towers fell we went back to the
       seminar but no one wanted to stay we all went home.
       What a horrible day that was , I don't think any of us will ever