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       #Post#: 15114--------------------------------------------------
       It's Thursday 
       By: Barb Date: September 13, 2012, 8:00 am
       Good morning I need coffee!!!! I have a busy day I need to get
       my PPC challenge done and ready to post I am leaving tomarrow at
       2 to go Phyllis's...I am going to get busy have a great day.....
       #Post#: 15122--------------------------------------------------
       Re: It's Thursday 
       By: maddawg Date: September 13, 2012, 9:44 am
       oooo have fun Barb! I'm currently sucking down my second cup. DH
       is home and I've got laundry to do and blog stalking as well.
       Gonna have peeps for dinner.
       #Post#: 15124--------------------------------------------------
       Re: It's Thursday 
       By: SherrieScraps Date: September 13, 2012, 9:45 am
       I'm still home, no fever but staying close to the potty (if u
       KWIM). Trying to straighten up a little around the house. Hope
       to go back to work tomorrow but we will see.
       #Post#: 15131--------------------------------------------------
       Re: It's Thursday 
       By: favorite grandma Date: September 13, 2012, 11:02 am
       good afternoon,
       Barb - have fun!
       Sherrie - feel better!
       took Katie to school, cleaned the tile floors, finished a
       layout.  now eating lunch.  hope to tackle one more challenge
       before it's time to pick up Katie.  just the usual stuff around
       #Post#: 15139--------------------------------------------------
       Re: It's Thursday 
       By: jscraps4u Date: September 13, 2012, 11:57 am
       Bummer Sherrie...hope you feel better soon.
       Hey ladies...sorry for being MIA.  But I have not been in the
       chatty mood.  Dealing with homeschooling, issues with Max at
       school, and my hubby has taken its toll.  And to be honest...I
       have NO clue on when and how to resolve all of these issues.
       I have every confidence you'll continue to scrap on without my
       presence!  LOL!!  I'll pop in occasionally when I can.
       Miss you all!
       #Post#: 15142--------------------------------------------------
       Re: It's Thursday 
       By: Milie Date: September 13, 2012, 12:01 pm
       Morning! One more day at work.. news not so good for mom, she
       will need surgery but not what the idiots initially were going
       to do it on.. same area.. different thing, she was being treated
       for the wrong thing.. SOOO needless to say don't think she's
       coming anytime soon and I am freaking out..  :'( :'(