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       #Post#: 15174--------------------------------------------------
       By: favorite grandma Date: September 14, 2012, 8:10 am
       good morning................what's up today?
       #Post#: 15175--------------------------------------------------
       Re: TGIF
       By: favorite grandma Date: September 14, 2012, 8:11 am
       got Katie off to school.  need to get a few things done around
       the house, then hopefully tackle another layout.
       have a great day!
       #Post#: 15180--------------------------------------------------
       Re: TGIF
       By: Barb Date: September 14, 2012, 9:47 am
       Good morning  I am going to be out of town with my sisters and
       niece we are going to Boonsboro Md to a Nora Roberts book
       signing. I will be leaving about 2ish. I am going to post my
       challenge early so I can log my computer off. Have a great
       weekend all.....
       #Post#: 15185--------------------------------------------------
       Re: TGIF
       By: pam Date: September 14, 2012, 9:57 am
       Sounds super fun Barb, take lots of photos and have a great
       Looks like rain here.... will continue with my fall
       cleaning,ugh... how does stuff get so dusty??? Planning to make
       a pumpkin dessert and a couple loaves of bread..have a
       delightful day!
       #Post#: 15186--------------------------------------------------
       Re: TGIF
       By: Resa Date: September 14, 2012, 10:20 am
       spent yesterday baking pies. today I have a party at work to
       host. Having a stomach yuck day. Hoping to feel better soon.
       Have a good day!!
       #Post#: 15192--------------------------------------------------
       Re: TGIF
       By: Diana Date: September 14, 2012, 10:39 am
       Your not kidding TGIF, my day off this week and I'm baby sitting
       my girlfriends little boy, he is just the sweetest, but he only
       speaks Russian and Greek (mom R dad G) so is been an interesting
       morning to say the least.  Monica is going to babysit him after
       school during the week, she says she will teach him English then
       too funny he is 2 and totally Adorable.
       I'm also cleaning this house, I have a jewelry show here today
       wish me luck.  Since I can only host one show a year, I'm doing
       a Mystery show and one lucky lady will get all the free jewelry
       should be a lot of fun.
       I'm just starting new today since I was not able to check
       anything out this week.  I will try and catch up on Sunday with
       the LOs.
       Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
       #Post#: 15193--------------------------------------------------
       Re: TGIF
       By: maddawg Date: September 14, 2012, 10:56 am
       have fun with nora roberts - i love her stuff.
       Resa feel better..
       A friend is coming from out of town for the weekend. Not sure if
       its today or tomorrow. I'm ready. bwahahaha!!!
       #Post#: 15203--------------------------------------------------
       Re: TGIF
       By: AprilSaysSo Date: September 14, 2012, 11:52 am
       I have things to work on around here today...some will get done
       and others...not so much completed ;)
       I am hoping to scrap a bit today since I did retrieve a light
       magenta ink cartridge from the store this morning.  and the
       place I went did NOT sell a package of all of the colors
       (WTH???)  so I literally bought the one that the PC said was
       out. Now, of course, "yellow and light cyan are low" -- well
       they'd better get a grip on the reality of me not leaving the
       house again  :D
       #Post#: 15214--------------------------------------------------
       Re: TGIF
       By: Mel H. Date: September 14, 2012, 3:06 pm
       I love Nora Roberts!
       I have been drowning in homework all week.  It's the last two
       weeks of class and I can't seem to get caught up!  YUCK!
       #Post#: 15217--------------------------------------------------
       Re: TGIF
       By: jscraps4u Date: September 14, 2012, 3:39 pm
       School stuff all day.  Getting ready for gymnastics practice.
       Allergies are kicking my behind.