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       #Post#: 15265--------------------------------------------------
       Simply Saturday
       By: Resa Date: September 15, 2012, 6:57 am
       and aren't we glad its here!!
       It's the 15th, so there are new challenges.
       We have a throwdown from Pam that's not too late to work on now
       since we have no date limits at SNC.
       And Janet posted a great weekend blitz yesterday.
       What are you doing today?
       #Post#: 15266--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Simply Saturday
       By: Resa Date: September 15, 2012, 6:59 am
       I am working today. But since it's Stamptember at M's, i will be
       making tags today and stamping. I need to remember to take my
       camera with me so I can get photos of the work I do. Also, I
       will be setting up a booth for the customers to make cards to
       send to Operation Write Home for the soldiers overseas. I am
       planning a fun day!!!
       I will be posting my challenge when I get home this evening.
       Stop by later to see my inspiration piece.
       Until then, have a great day!!!
       #Post#: 15272--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Simply Saturday
       By: favorite grandma Date: September 15, 2012, 7:56 am
       good morning
       Katie spent the night, we'll have her until late afternoon.  We
       are taking her to a play "Paperbag Princess".  She has a project
       due on Wednesday we'll get started on.  Not much else going on
       have a great day ladies!
       #Post#: 15275--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Simply Saturday
       By: maddawg Date: September 15, 2012, 8:05 am
       Having a dinner party with friends. Gonna be de-lish. Not much
       else going on and since we have company from out of town I doubt
       I get to scrap.
       #Post#: 15285--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Simply Saturday
       By: pam Date: September 15, 2012, 9:29 am
       Resa, you sound like such a busy bee... can't wait to see your
       Lynn,what's on the menu? Is dh cooking? Enjoy..
       On my slate, local band spectacular 14 bands will perform...
       only thing is no grand- kids this year.. It will still be fun!
       Lots of fall-like sun here today and cleaning
       #Post#: 15298--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Simply Saturday
       By: jscraps4u Date: September 15, 2012, 10:01 am
       Posted my challenge...got gymnastics practice
       later...otherwise...who knows what will happen today.
       #Post#: 15339--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Simply Saturday
       By: SherrieScraps Date: September 15, 2012, 6:59 pm
       What a wonderful fall day!  The air is just a little
       chilly...... Walked around the neighborhood this morning (yard
       sales galore) and then spent the afternoon/early evening baking
       applesauce bran bread and apple crisp!  Going to take them to
       coffee hour after church tomorrow.
       Have a good evening ladies!