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       #Post#: 15486--------------------------------------------------
       It's Tuesday!!!
       By: Diana Date: September 18, 2012, 7:42 am
       The kids are back in school, and I'm off to work.
       Monica's room is painted. ;D ;D ;D
       What are the rest of you doing?
       #Post#: 15488--------------------------------------------------
       Re: It's Tuesday!!!
       By: Barb Date: September 18, 2012, 7:52 am
       Good morning  Today I plan on scrapping some I have a few things
       to do for my DH. It is raining today so I love scrapping when
       its raining, but I also love snuggling with a movie. I want to
       move some furniture around maybe tomarrow, more  needed I will
       be around Have a good one all
       #Post#: 15489--------------------------------------------------
       Re: It's Tuesday!!!
       By: maddawg Date: September 18, 2012, 7:53 am
       Gonna give scrappin' a go hopefully, not much else going on -
       guest left - woo hoo!!!! and dh may be headed out of town.
       #Post#: 15493--------------------------------------------------
       Re: It's Tuesday!!!
       By: SherrieScraps Date: September 18, 2012, 8:58 am
       At work today, they're calling for severe storms and high winds
       :-\ hoping I'll get home in one piece!
       #Post#: 15497--------------------------------------------------
       Re: It's Tuesday!!!
       By: jscraps4u Date: September 18, 2012, 9:53 am
       Today would have been mom's 70th birthday.  Missing her today.
       Got a layout, card, and altered project in the hopper.
       #Post#: 15502--------------------------------------------------
       Re: It's Tuesday!!!
       By: favorite grandma Date: September 18, 2012, 12:00 pm
       stay safe Sherrie
       {{{hugs}}} Janet!!!
       we got Katie off to school, I sent out some cards and have the
       laundry going.  just checking in now, need to go clean up the
       kitchen.  SIL decided at 9:00 last night he wanted to make
       chocolate chip cookies.  LOL.  he didn't leave a mess it's just
       that the dishwasher was already full and set to run, so emptied
       that and refilled it.  now I have to wash up a few things that
       don't go into the dishwasher.
       DD is leaving work early to pick up Katie and take her to the
       DR.  Katie has had an itchy scalp, neck and shoulders for close
       to a month.  I checked for lice several times-nothing.  thought
       it might be heat rash, changed shampoos, etc.  it's driving her
       crazy.  hopefully the dr. can do something.
       have a great day.