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       #Post#: 15814--------------------------------------------------
       Time to get up Tuesday
       By: favorite grandma Date: September 25, 2012, 6:59 am
       good morning...................what are you up to today?
       #Post#: 15815--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Time to get up Tuesday
       By: favorite grandma Date: September 25, 2012, 7:05 am
       good morning............trying to get Katie moving this morning,
       for some reason she's on extra slllllooooowwwww gear.  After I
       get her to school I have some laundry to do, clean the floor
       around the table and sew on the baby quilt I have laid out on
       the dining room table.  SIL offered to cook dinner, so don't
       have to worry about that.  he also made cookies last night after
       dinner.......made the house smell so good.  he was apologizing
       because they were kind of flat.  didn't make they taste any
       different, they are delish and I didn't have to do the work.
       have a great day ladies!
       #Post#: 15816--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Time to get up Tuesday
       By: Diana Date: September 25, 2012, 7:44 am
       Good morning ladies, the last 3 days just came and went and I
       have no clue where!  ;D
       Today I work and need to finish putting away the laundry when I
       get home.  DH had to start a diet because his blood pressure,
       cholesterol and diabetes are out of control and not even the
       medicine are helping.  He has horrible eating habits and no
       matter how much diet he does his not going to get healthy.  This
       morning I asked him you want me to make you some oatmeal with
       apples and flax-seed (i eat it everyday and so far my
       cholesterol is normal without medication) no just coffee.  You
       want something for lunch No (GRUMPY), so then I say ok you are a
       big boy and I'm not doing nothing for you.  Arg he is so
       unhealthy it's scary.
       I forgot to post the card I made it's so pretty will post it
       Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
       #Post#: 15817--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Time to get up Tuesday
       By: maddawg Date: September 25, 2012, 8:13 am
       Today is hair day and I'm excited. Of course now thatI'm going
       my hair sort of looks good. Isn't that always the way? Not much
       else going on.
       #Post#: 15831--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Time to get up Tuesday
       By: AprilSaysSo Date: September 25, 2012, 10:46 am
       Used my grandma's banana bread recipe today .... so I made
       banana bread (no nuts involved)...and banana chocolate chips
       involved (still no nuts).   I am not a fan of walnuts or pecans
       or anything resembling those for my breads/brownies/etc  -- SO I
       say "it's mine and I'll do it however I want to"  and added
       chocolate chips :D
       #Post#: 15836--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Time to get up Tuesday
       By: jscraps4u Date: September 25, 2012, 11:22 am
       Man...what a weekend and it flowed into Monday.  Had a friend
       over for the weekend.  We did some scrapping.  Kelly played with
       her daughter.  It was all good.  Then I woke up Monday and
       Murphy had a blast with me.  Everything that could go wrong,
       did.  It was a miserable day.
       I was glad to wake up to a new day today...got my hair done,
       catching up around here, getting the laundry done, and got more
       house stuff to do...bills, dinner, etc.  Max has Tae Kwon Do
       Gonna be a busy one!
       #Post#: 15846--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Time to get up Tuesday
       By: KikiJames Date: September 25, 2012, 4:20 pm
       I've been up since 5:30AM. UGH I had Jury Duty for the first
       time. At 9:30, 42 of were chosen for a case that needed 12
       jurors. It was a felony case. We had to leave, then come back at
       1:15PM to discuss the case and have the jurors picked.
       At 1:35, the bailiff came out and told us that it was possible
       that there would be a plea deal and we might be able to go home
       by 2PM. 2:15 rolls around and he comes back along with (?)
       someone else who tells us there was good news and bad news and
       that he would tell us the good news first. God news: there was a
       plea deal. He got 40 years. He had 31 priers,  including beating
       his wife.
       THEN, he said the bad news: There was a trial coming up that may
       last up to 4 weeks or so. They were short jurors and needed us
       to come back! CRAZY right????
       He was kidding. SHEW!
       So, I got sent home. Very uneventful day. Now, I need a nap.