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       #Post#: 16070--------------------------------------------------
       a quiet Sunday
       By: Resa Date: September 30, 2012, 8:33 am
       at least that's what i am hoping for.
       going to cook up a batch of apple butter to get it canned for
       thinking up a few other recipes to get the 1/4 bushel of apples
       out of my refridgerator!!
       They take up too much space.
       what are you doing today?
       OH!! and I need to work on a challenge. The first of Oct is
       TOMORROW!!! where did the month go?
       #Post#: 16074--------------------------------------------------
       Re: a quiet Sunday
       By: Barb Date: September 30, 2012, 8:39 am
       Good morning I have the blitz to finish then I plan to get my
       recipe challenge done. I am chillin today with my DH.I have some
       brownies to make and some homemade  soup to start It is a little
       chilly this morning homemade soup kind of day. Have a good one.
       #Post#: 16075--------------------------------------------------
       Re: a quiet Sunday
       By: tallulah Date: September 30, 2012, 8:41 am
       Do you ever make any applesauce Resa?
       Thats my favorite.
       Watching  the hummingbirds at the feeder.  Sad to think they
       will be gone in another week!
       The other birds are waiting for Stan to put the feeders out.  We
       have to bring them in every night due to the racoons and bears.
       See what kind of trouble I can get into today....  Supposed to
       be bad rain coming in tomorrow.   :(
       #Post#: 16079--------------------------------------------------
       Re: a quiet Sunday
       By: maddawg Date: September 30, 2012, 8:52 am
       oooo homemade apple butter and apple sauce. swoon............my
       BF in PA made homemade apple sauce and gave it to my Shane - who
       was a picky eater. and He loved it. She gave me some frozen
       apple sauce for later. After that he wouldn't eat store bought.
       I have no idea what's happening today - but it'll be fun.
       #Post#: 16082--------------------------------------------------
       Re: a quiet Sunday
       By: KikiJames Date: September 30, 2012, 10:51 am
       We'll see about that. LOL It's finally stopped raining. Rained
       all day yesterday. Wish it had been switched.
       We are dog sitting. She's in our house. It's actually been
       pretty good so far, but they are just now getting comfortable
       enough with each other to go to their own corners and sleep and
       not growl at each other when they get too close.
       I am now by myself as DH is at the movies. Hopefully all will go
       well. :)
       #Post#: 16083--------------------------------------------------
       Re: a quiet Sunday
       By: Diana Date: September 30, 2012, 12:35 pm
       Good morning, I just got out of bed, feel horrible.  Have a cold
       maybe the flu the way my body feels.
       Going to stay down hear as much as I can but I have a feeling
       I'll be up in my nice warm bed real soon.
       Hope everyone enjoys their Sunday.
       #Post#: 16094--------------------------------------------------
       Re: a quiet Sunday
       By: Jaclyn-Scraps Date: September 30, 2012, 7:10 pm
       It has been a pretty quiet Sunday for us.  I either am having
       allergy problems or catching a cold...so I am with you
       Diana...My poor nose will not stop runny and my head feels like
       it is about to explode...was planning on finishing some
       challenges today but I just don't feel good.  I hope everybody
       else has a great Sunday!