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       #Post#: 16098--------------------------------------------------
       New Month MONDAY!!!
       By: maddawg Date: October 1, 2012, 7:50 am
       Geez its October already. REally?????
       Time seems to be flying by faster. ZOOM ZOOM.
       DH is headed out of town. Not much else going down. Got a page
       that's been hanging on my desk. Maybe I'll actually get around
       to using some adhesive. bwahahahaha.............
       Can't wait to see the new challenges!
       #Post#: 16100--------------------------------------------------
       Re: New Month MONDAY!!!
       By: Barb Date: October 1, 2012, 7:58 am
       Good morning it is a rainy morning I need
 (HTM) http://i717.photobucket.com/albums/ww173/prestonjjrtr/Smileys/1sm218coffee2.gif<br
       /> I hope to get the September sketch challenge done and then I
       think I will watch some movies. I didnt get my soup done
       yesterday so today homemade soup and homemade bread for dinner.
       Have a fun day all.
       #Post#: 16103--------------------------------------------------
       Re: New Month MONDAY!!!
       By: favorite grandma Date: October 1, 2012, 8:15 am
       good morning......finished some take home work from Katie's
       teacher, will pass it off to her when we pick Katie up today.
       need to come up with something for dinner, which means a trip to
       the grocery store.  need to do a little cleaning and maybe scrap
       before it's time to head over to the school.  DD's schedule is
       crazy this week with her new Temporary Assignment at another
       resort, need  to check the schedule daily so we don't forget
       about Katie.
       #Post#: 16105--------------------------------------------------
       Re: New Month MONDAY!!!
       By: AprilSaysSo Date: October 1, 2012, 8:20 am
       It IS monday. I need to see if I can get my two challenges
       posted because my computer is AMAZZZZZING with it's viralocity
       (yep, made up a new one).
       #Post#: 16118--------------------------------------------------
       Re: New Month MONDAY!!!
       By: KikiJames Date: October 1, 2012, 1:35 pm
       I know, right? We will have been married 16 years later this
       month. It's crazy!
       DH stayed home from work today. He's feeling better, so we went
       and had a light lunch and picked up some shipping boxes. I
       officially opened my Etsy store this morning. :) I will be
       shipping out my first Etsy order this afternoon and hand
       delivering a second tomorrow!
       Tonight is hot sammy melts while watching the Cowboys. Hoping
       for something good to watch!
       #Post#: 16127--------------------------------------------------
       Re: New Month MONDAY!!!
       By: SherrieScraps Date: October 1, 2012, 1:57 pm
       GO Cowboys!!  They better win tonight!
       My challenge for October is up, put it on early this morning
       since I don't know what's going on after work.  Always something
       in my house....
       #Post#: 16144--------------------------------------------------
       Re: New Month MONDAY!!!
       By: tallulah Date: October 1, 2012, 3:45 pm
       [quote author=KikiJames link=topic=1233.msg16118#msg16118
       I know, right? We will have been married 16 years later this
       month. It's crazy!
       I KNOW - I will be XX years old in another 10 days!!!!  How did
       I get this old?