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       #Post#: 16489--------------------------------------------------
       first Sunday in Ocotober
       By: favorite grandma Date: October 7, 2012, 7:03 am
       Good morning...........what are you doing today?
       #Post#: 16490--------------------------------------------------
       Re: first Sunday in Ocotober
       By: favorite grandma Date: October 7, 2012, 7:04 am
       good morning.  church this morning.  helping Katie with her
       homework and keeping her entertained until DD picks her up.  Our
       Church congregation makes and serves dinner the 1st Sunday at
       the homeless food pantry, will have to see what they need yet.
       sometimes we donate $ toward the main dish, other times I've
       made desserts, veggies, salads or potatoes.
       she'll be back for overnight as DD going in early tomorrow.
       have a great day!
       #Post#: 16492--------------------------------------------------
       Re: first Sunday in Ocotober
       By: SherrieScraps Date: October 7, 2012, 7:34 am
       Good morning. Peggy, Katie is so lucky to have you!  I was up
       most of the night, couldn't sleep, may have to take a nap after
       church. It's cold here today, no windows open!
       Hope to get scrappy again after lunch!
       #Post#: 16493--------------------------------------------------
       Re: first Sunday in Ocotober
       By: Diana Date: October 7, 2012, 9:36 am
       Good morning,
       Nothing much going on I need to relax today, this cold is still
       hanging on.  Daniel went back to Orlando this morning  :(
       earlier than he thought, they were leaving tomorrow morning but
       the friend that drove him and his friend got very sick and is
       not going back until Thursday.  Thank God I had cooked up a
       storm Friday and Saturday for him to take.  That's all he needs
       me for these days home made food. LOL.
       Peggy you remind me of my mom always so loving to the grandkids.
       Katie is so lucky to have you.
       I will scrap today I'm going to start a project of scrapping our
       old Disney pictures. .............. I think! :)
       #Post#: 16501--------------------------------------------------
       Re: first Sunday in Ocotober
       By: favorite grandma Date: October 7, 2012, 12:26 pm
       good afternoon - I don't always come back and read what everyone
       else is doing, but today I'm so glad I did, you ladies brought
       tears to my eyes.
       thank you for the sweet words and support.  It really warms my
       heart to know there are some that don't criticize what I am
       doing.  My Mom has been my biggest critic, saying things like
       "I'm so glad I haven't had to raise my grandkids", etc.  more
       like jabs at what I have been doing the past 7 years.  Katie
       doesn't know any difference.  and I'm so glad we were able to
       help DD out of her abusive marriage and have this wonderful bond
       with Katie.
       Sherrie - hope you were able to get a nap in.
       Diana - I remember those days when our girls would be back from
       college.  all they wanted was a home cooked food and their
       laundry done!    looking forward to some Disney photos!
       #Post#: 16507--------------------------------------------------
       Re: first Sunday in Ocotober
       By: Jaclyn-Scraps Date: October 7, 2012, 3:52 pm
       I am just chilling today hopefully HH will help me finish my
       paper and post it then I can scrapbook!!  We will probably watch
       church online because my HH has caroling rehearsal tonight.  I
       will probably scrap when he leaves.  Gotta go finish my paper