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       #Post#: 16539--------------------------------------------------
       it's Monday - time to get up!
       By: favorite grandma Date: October 8, 2012, 6:19 am
       what are you doing today?
       #Post#: 16540--------------------------------------------------
       Re: it's Monday - time to get up!
       By: favorite grandma Date: October 8, 2012, 6:20 am
       good morning,
       have a busy morning. Katie was here overnight, she needs to go
       in early to take some AR tests. I am volunteering as Class
       leader all morning for the Barracuda Challenge - a big PTO fund
       raiser where the kids compete in survivor type challenges and
       have sponsors. it will be hot, but tons of fun.
       pick up Katie after school, homework and dinner.
       it's our Friday since DD has tomorrow off.
       have a great day!
       #Post#: 16542--------------------------------------------------
       Re: it's Monday - time to get up!
       By: Resa Date: October 8, 2012, 7:30 am
       work...................... :(
       yesterday was my one day off this week, unless i get lucky or
       #Post#: 16544--------------------------------------------------
       Re: it's Monday - time to get up!
       By: maddawg Date: October 8, 2012, 7:46 am
       Morning. Good to be home. Need to outfit the rig a bit more but
       we're learning as we go. Going to see Holli and get nails done.
       woo --hoooo they're a mess - she's going to love that. lol!
       Got some pix - got some ideas - got some stuff to finish.
       next adventure is this coming weekend.
       #Post#: 16548--------------------------------------------------
       Re: it's Monday - time to get up!
       By: SherrieScraps Date: October 8, 2012, 11:19 am
       It's freezing here!  Woke up to 40 degree weather, it's not
       going to get above 60 today, brrrr.  They haven't turned on the
       heat at work yet so I wore an extra sweater just in case!
       #Post#: 16551--------------------------------------------------
       Re: it's Monday - time to get up!
       By: AprilSaysSo Date: October 8, 2012, 2:43 pm
       No school today -- no Stevie @work today -- so we have hung out,
       went and ran an errand, and went to lunch @Gracie's fave
       Hope to be scrapping today @some point.  It's kind of chilly -
       only got to 50 today and it's rizzling rain now too. Obviously
       it's time to stay indoors now ;)
       #Post#: 16563--------------------------------------------------
       Re: it's Monday - time to get up!
       By: tallulah Date: October 8, 2012, 5:06 pm
       Cold here today as well......
       Glad I didn't wear my flipflops this morning.....
       Not ready for this....
       #Post#: 16567--------------------------------------------------
       Re: it's Monday - time to get up!
       By: nfaband Date: October 8, 2012, 5:55 pm
       Cold seems to be the theme here lately ... it never reached 60
       here today, I pulled on a fleece when I ran out to do a couple
       of errands.  Morgan is working today until 10:00 pm, so I'm on
       my own.  I wrote for a Fall clean up estimate for my yard, which
       is flat and not even an acre ... I was floored to receive the
       estimate of about $550, one visit all leaves removed and a final
       grass mowing for the season, crazy hah.  I'm going to look for a
       few other estimates, even though the company that gave me the
       estimate did the job for us a few years back and they did a
       great job.  Ugh ...
       Not much else going on here, just trying to get myself motivated
       again, it's hard to do when it's cold.
       Hope you all had a great day.