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       #Post#: 17079--------------------------------------------------
       Happy Sunday!!
       By: Diana Date: October 21, 2012, 7:57 am
       I'm back!
       What is everyone doing today?
       #Post#: 17080--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Sunday!!
       By: maddawg Date: October 21, 2012, 8:06 am
       I have no idea what's going on - but it'll be fun!
       #Post#: 17081--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Sunday!!
       By: Diana Date: October 21, 2012, 8:08 am
       Good morning, I'ts a GORGEOUS!!! Day here, sorry I have been
       MIA,I just don't have time for much these days.
       I have worked everyday this past week and this coming week also.
       Then the girls take over the computer with homework and reading
       plus.  Monica has a little netbook but a desk top is much easier
       for them, so I have no access to it until very late and by 9:00
       I'm in bed.
       I'm busy with the jewelry also, and I'm making 250  of these
 (HTM) http://img0.etsystatic.com/005/0/6325564/il_570xN.386525884_bzlg.jpg<br
       /> for my best friends son's wedding in two weeks.  FUN!!!
       Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
       This one is off Etsy, I'll take pictures of mine later. ;)
       #Post#: 17083--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Sunday!!
       By: Resa Date: October 21, 2012, 8:27 am
       i am headed out the door to work. It has been very stressful
       around here lately. Lots of balls up in the air that are falling
       down around my ears.  :(
       I did get to make a couple of small layouts yesterday for work,
       unfortunately NONE matched up with any challenges we have listed
       here, :-\
       Our new house is coming along. we have our first walls as of
 (HTM) http://hardlyworkinggirl.blogspot.com/2012/10/home-is-where-your-story-begins.html
 (HTM) http://hardlyworkinggirl.blogspot.com/2012/10/home-is-where-your-story-begins.html
       gotta get to work.
       talk to you soon!!
       #Post#: 17084--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Sunday!!
       By: tallulah Date: October 21, 2012, 8:50 am
       Cool 40 degree morning here.  Cats are chasing each other all
       over the house, ready to wake up and play !!  More tea please.
       #Post#: 17088--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Sunday!!
       By: nfaband Date: October 21, 2012, 10:16 am
       It's a cold one here, low 40's to start today.  I was out early
       running around looking for sesame seed bagels, I finally found
       them after 3 stops.  Now I'm home and hating that I just had to
       turn the heat up to 70 to take the cold out of the air in the
       house, it's always so cold here, like a crypt almost.  No big
       plans for the day, I may go look for some black pants and a nice
       shirt to wear for Thanksgiving Dinner, but I may just wait until
       tomorrow when all the kids will be back in school and the stores
       will be empty.
       Don't forget to check out my RAK/Giveaway and make your guesses.
       Have a great day ladies.