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       #Post#: 17090--------------------------------------------------
       What's on your menu today?
       By: nfaband Date: October 21, 2012, 12:45 pm
       Yesterday I had a craving for meat sauce that you would put on
       hotdogs.  I love a good dog with the works, and their is a place
       about an hour from me that I've been going to since I was a
       little bitty girl, the meat sauce recipe is a family secret and
       no one has even an inkling to how it is made ... it's so
       secretive the owner passed the recipe to only "one" of his sons
       who now runs the place, he makes all the seasoning mix privately
       and measures it out for the cooks.  I found a recipe on
       Allrecipes and gave it a try, it looked perfect, it was the
       right consistency, and I thought to myself, wow, this could be
       it.  I cooked up my hotdog and added a ladle full of sauce, a
       bit of raw onion and a squirt of mustard and took a bite.  OH NO
       ... it wasn't edible, it was so salty I thought I had taken a
       sip of ocean water.  I was so sad, it all looked right, so I
       thought for sure if was going to taste perfect, and maybe a
       tweek or two would make it like my favorite sauce at Saints.
       Three hours of prep and cooking, 3 pounds of ground beef, 2
       green peppers, 2 onions and numerous amounts of spice ... in the
       trash.  I almost went out for another 3 pounds of ground beef
       today to try again, but I felt a bit beaten down, so I'll wait
       and give it a try next week.  I've found another recipe I want
       to try that is a knock off from another old favorite of mine
       here in CT. ... but I have to be in the mood, so it's printed
       out and waiting for the right day.
       Tonight I'm making some Chicken Cutlets in Panko and seasoning,
       served with a side of angel hair pasta.
       So ... whats going to be on your dinner plates tonight?
       #Post#: 17092--------------------------------------------------
       Re: What's on your menu today?
       By: tallulah Date: October 21, 2012, 4:21 pm
       Stan is making Fish In A Bag.  Its a takeoff from the one at Red
       Lobster, and we love it!  We make it numerous ways, depending on
       what we got, and its healthy!
       #Post#: 17093--------------------------------------------------
       Re: What's on your menu today?
       By: Resa Date: October 21, 2012, 4:44 pm
       Hubby made a chicken stew in the crock while I worked today and
       is currently in the kitchen baking cookies!!! I have taught him
       well, LOL!!!
       #Post#: 17094--------------------------------------------------
       Re: What's on your menu today?
       By: nfaband Date: October 21, 2012, 6:25 pm
       Wow ... two responses and both Janelle and Resa have their
       husbands in the kitchen cooking for them, sounds perfect girls.
       #Post#: 17096--------------------------------------------------
       Re: What's on your menu today?
       By: maddawg Date: October 21, 2012, 6:52 pm
       we picked up some rotisserie chickens with some oven fries and
       veggies. had an appetizer of tortilla chips baked with salsa and
       cheese. yum..
       #Post#: 17121--------------------------------------------------
       Re: What's on your menu today?
       By: tallulah Date: October 22, 2012, 5:54 pm
       tonight is fried chicken, mashed potatoes, mixed veggies left
       over from the fish-in-a-bag
       #Post#: 17124--------------------------------------------------
       Re: What's on your menu today?
       By: Barb Date: October 22, 2012, 7:22 pm
       I had sweet potatoe FF and boneless Chicken wings and salad
       I also made brownies
       #Post#: 17128--------------------------------------------------
       Re: What's on your menu today?
       By: KikiJames Date: October 22, 2012, 7:38 pm
       We ended up having tonight what we were going to have on our
       anniversary last Thursday...
       Asiago Alfredo pasta with capers
       Mozzarella and Parmesan Cheese french bread
       Key Lime Pie made by me! (From a box mix. LOL)
       #Post#: 17148--------------------------------------------------
       Re: What's on your menu today?
       By: nfaband Date: October 23, 2012, 10:33 am
       Lots of yumminess in your kitchens ladies ... sure wish I could
       get it together and cook things that we love, but it seems it's
       all left me now that my husband is gone.  I cook, we eat a plate
       or two and the rest usually goes in the trash.  I need to
       relearn cooking for just the two of us, smaller quantities and
       healthier food.