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       #Post#: 17294--------------------------------------------------
       By: favorite grandma Date: October 26, 2012, 7:47 am
       good morning..........what's on your calender??
       #Post#: 17295--------------------------------------------------
       Re: TGIF
       By: favorite grandma Date: October 26, 2012, 7:48 am
       good morning.............
       Katie doesn't have school since it's the last day of the 9
       weeks. We'll be working on her Halloween book character for
       school, she chose "Katie the kitten fairy". not much else going
       on here today.
       have a great day ladies!
       #Post#: 17296--------------------------------------------------
       Re: TGIF
       By: maddawg Date: October 26, 2012, 7:54 am
       DH to the RV to get the things he broke - fixed. I'm going to
       change the sheets, toss them in the laundry and then I'm going
       to commence to kitting for the crop. I'm kinda jazzed - shopping
       my stash.
       #Post#: 17299--------------------------------------------------
       Re: TGIF
       By: Barb Date: October 26, 2012, 8:20 am
       Good morning I am up again always awake I was up till 3 checking
       out websites for couponing lol Thankfully my DH is coming home
       today and I can sleep The week went by so fast. My brother is
       coming in for the Nascar Race Sunday will be fun I have to run
       and get some food gotta make a crock pot meal for everyone
       Saturday Have a good one all.
       #Post#: 17303--------------------------------------------------
       Re: TGIF
       By: AprilSaysSo Date: October 26, 2012, 8:34 am
       Today I told myself I had to deep clean the kitchen and
       bathroom...wth was I thinking...I don't feel it.  LOL
       Gracie has her halloween party/parade today and she wanted to
       wear my jellyfish costume (it's now FAMOUS in the family LOL) -
       which altered for her =tutu that is now REALLY fluffy and the
       "headpiece" is actually an umbrella, which is fitting since it's
       probably going to rain a little (hopefully not a lot and ruin
       the whole parade).
       We made her treats for the class yesterday as I was in charge of
       a dessert.
 (HTM) http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-3entt6K-wA0/UIqRAmC1q6I/AAAAAAAAAz8/7xFcEUnWFpY/s1600/hats+and+brooms.jpg
       so, now that my craftiness planted itself in the kitchen, you'd
       think I could migrate the body parts there and do what I need to
       #Post#: 17304--------------------------------------------------
       Re: TGIF
       By: favorite grandma Date: October 26, 2012, 8:56 am
       YUMMO!!!  these are going to be a hit!   I really wish we could
       take homemade treats into school.  I understand the whole safety
       thing, BUT store bought cupcakes to decorate just don't do it
       for me!
       #Post#: 17307--------------------------------------------------
       Re: TGIF
       By: AprilSaysSo Date: October 26, 2012, 10:40 am
       Today I told myself I had to deep clean the kitchen and
       bathroom...wth was I thinking...I don't feel it.  LOL
       Gracie has her halloween party/parade today and she wanted to
       wear my jellyfish costume (it's now FAMOUS in the family LOL) -
       which altered for her =tutu that is now REALLY fluffy and the
       "headpiece" is actually an umbrella, which is fitting since it's
       probably going to rain a little (hopefully not a lot and ruin
       the whole parade).
       We made her treats for the class yesterday as I was in charge of
       a dessert.
 (HTM) http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-3entt6K-wA0/UIqRAmC1q6I/AAAAAAAAAz8/7xFcEUnWFpY/s1600/hats+and+brooms.jpg
       so, now that my craftiness planted itself in the kitchen, you'd
       think I could migrate the body parts there and do what I need to
       #Post#: 17321--------------------------------------------------
       Re: TGIF
       By: Barb Date: October 26, 2012, 2:14 pm
       now I need chocolate its a good thing I have homemade Brownies