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       #Post#: 17313--------------------------------------------------
       By: SherrieScraps Date: October 26, 2012, 12:17 pm
       I'm getting a little nervous.  I live at the top of the
       Chesapeake Bay, top of the Delmarva Peninsula, and it looks like
       we're going to take a direct hit from Sandy.  The State of
       Maryland just declared a state of emergency and Delaware, New
       Jersey, Pennsylvania are sure to follow.  I'm trying not to
       listen to all the hype but I do want to be prepared.  Let's all
       hope that the storm turns away from the coast and out to sea.
       I've weathered hurricanes for the past 25 years in my house and
       I'm hoping this one does not turn out as bad as all the
       newscasters are saying.
       If you don't hear from me for a couple days, it's probably
       because I lost power.  That happens a lot where I live (rural)
       and although I have a generator I'm not sure how to use it (DD
       and DS always did that).  I'll have to get DS to come home and
       show me!
       The rest of you gals stay safe!
       #Post#: 17314--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Frankenstorm
       By: Resa Date: October 26, 2012, 1:17 pm
       i am watching from the NC/SC state line too. They keep saying
       it's going to bypass us. I keep hoping so.
       Hope everything turns out all right for you Sherrie.
       #Post#: 17323--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Frankenstorm
       By: favorite grandma Date: October 26, 2012, 2:43 pm
       stay safe!  we are getting a lot of wind here, hope we get a bit
       of rain sure could use it.
       #Post#: 17328--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Frankenstorm
       By: maddawg Date: October 26, 2012, 3:53 pm
       hunker down and stay safe everyone!
       #Post#: 17338--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Frankenstorm
       By: nfaband Date: October 26, 2012, 5:52 pm
       What is up with this crap anyway ... Hurricanes are supposed to
       hit Florida not us, we get snow isn't that enough?  They are
       still saying the storm could and should go in over Delaware
       (sorry Sherrie) but it could still track further North and come
       in closer to us in Connecticut.  No generator here, the
       fireplace is in the house, but we've never used it and we have
       no screen or grates etc.  No gas grill either ... we're screwed
       if the power goes out.  Looks like we'll be eating junk for days
       when this storm hits.  Stay safe everyone.
       #Post#: 17340--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Frankenstorm
       By: KikiJames Date: October 26, 2012, 8:30 pm
       You guys stay safe!!
       #Post#: 17352--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Frankenstorm
       By: favorite grandma Date: October 27, 2012, 7:55 am
       we still have just wild crazy wind and very cloudy/gloomy skies.
       #Post#: 17367--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Frankenstorm
       By: Benji Date: October 27, 2012, 9:13 pm
       Been watching the news and wondering  about some of you here.
       Jeanne and Tania, I   heard your states on the news and wondered
       how it would effect you.
       Be safe and take care.
       We had about 8 inches of heavy wet snow this week and its been
       rather cool for the time of yr.  Most of the week I was sick in
       bed with the flu  and infections however so I didnt have to go
       out in it, but had to be concerend sbout my kids and husband out
       in the storm.    Glad we dont have to face Sandy though.
       #Post#: 17369--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Frankenstorm
       By: SherrieScraps Date: October 27, 2012, 9:34 pm
       Well, I guess I'm as prepared as I can be.  Patio furniture and
       all outdoor stuff put in shed.  Generator tuned up, 3 5-gallon
       cans of gas filled, got water bottles, food, propane tank filled
       for heat, need to fill bathtub with water just in case....
       Now we wait.  That's the hard part.  Local papers are saying the
       eye will pass right through Cecil County.  As I left work
       yesterday, the University of Delaware told us that classes were
       canceled Monday and that they were encouraging students to go
       home if they could, but staff was to report as usual.  WTH?
       Then today, I got another text, classes are canceled for Tuesday
       but staff is still supposed to report.  The governor of Delaware
       has yet to declare a state of emergency so if I want to get paid
       I have to go in, or take a vacation day.  MD, PA, NJ, NY have
       all declared, what's up with Delaware???
       #Post#: 17383--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Frankenstorm
       By: favorite grandma Date: October 28, 2012, 8:10 am
       stay safe Sherrie!
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