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       #Post#: 20742--------------------------------------------------
       Thursday is our Monday
       By: favorite grandma Date: January 17, 2013, 8:15 am
       good morning.............what are you doing today?
       #Post#: 20743--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Thursday is our Monday
       By: favorite grandma Date: January 17, 2013, 8:18 am
       another beautiful day here. still have a headache, going to call
       the Dr and see if there is some other meds they can try. need to
       make a card and clean up a bit around here. pick up Katie -
       she'll be here for the night.  get something lined up for dinner
       - maybe tacos.
       #Post#: 20744--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Thursday is our Monday
       By: jscraps4u Date: January 17, 2013, 8:37 am
       My husband didn't get the job.  We were really counting on this
       one.  This was the third time were he was one of two and they
       picked the other guy.  There is a big dark cloud hanging in our
       house.  I don't see it leaving any time soon.
       In order to not eat my way through all this, I'm gluing my
       tookus to the chair and scrapping my way through this!
       #Post#: 20748--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Thursday is our Monday
       By: maddawg Date: January 17, 2013, 9:27 am
       Aw Janet hugs and prayers. THE perfect job will come along. I am
       leaving on a jet plane in a few and heading New Orleans to meet
       up with DH. i've actually packed quite light for me.
       *gasp*faint*thud. It's going to be cold however, so I've got
       layers, however, Florida layers do not ever meet the 32 - 59
       degrees of other states. I'll be hopefully updating the blog.
       #Post#: 20751--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Thursday is our Monday
       By: Resa Date: January 17, 2013, 9:39 am
       Just got a phone call from my boss. Due to the "winter weather"
       my store will not be open this evening and part of tomorrow. So
       I am off of the schedule and I have to cancel my classes. I just
       love that it only snows here occasionally and that the city of
       Charlotte closes down because they don't have the equipment to
       handle it, LOL!!! So I have some unpacking to do, but I really
       want to scrap, so i just may do that today instead.
       Janet, sorry to here that. I know it has to be stressful for
       you. chin up. something will come along soon.
       have a good day everyone!!
       #Post#: 20754--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Thursday is our Monday
       By: jscraps4u Date: January 17, 2013, 10:09 am
       Thanks ladies...it is hard to keep the chin up right now...but
       you guys make it easier!  Thanks!
       #Post#: 20757--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Thursday is our Monday
       By: nfaband Date: January 17, 2013, 10:38 am
       Heading out for the day, driving up to see my Uncle and take him
       out for lunch, meeting a cousin who will be joining us as a
       surprise to my uncle.  Morgan will be with me ... so I'll be
       Have a great day ladies.
       #Post#: 20764--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Thursday is our Monday
       By: Barb Date: January 17, 2013, 12:20 pm
       Good afternoon my DH took me to run my errands since we were my
       have ice ,snow, cold ect.... It really is just cold  rain. I am
       going to be lazy wanted to go to the library but I bet they will
       close early....have a fun day all.
       Janet a job will come along soon.
       #Post#: 20788--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Thursday is our Monday
       By: Jaclyn-Scraps Date: January 17, 2013, 11:16 pm
       Hey everybody...we are doing well over here in Cali...I just
       wanted to let Janet know that I am praying for her husband that
       he will get a job soon...my HH was unemployed for a year got a
       referral from a friend and finally got a job so I know it will
       happen for you guys...hopefully sooner rather than later.
       #Post#: 20862--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Thursday is our Monday
       By: SherrieScraps Date: January 18, 2013, 7:37 pm
       I just finished a long hard work week and am so glad it's
       Friday!  Ready to scrap the weekend away!
       Janet, I know it's not easy but you will be okay.  Sometimes
       things happen when you least expect it!