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       #Post#: 24709--------------------------------------------------
       crock pot pulled pork
       By: favorite grandma Date: March 23, 2013, 12:05 pm
       I made this night before last - it was a big hit and a "make
       3 # Boston butt pork roast
       1 cup water
       1 tsp seasoning salt
       1 tsp black pepper
       1 tsp onion powder
       1 tsp garlic powder
       1 teaspoon sage
       Trim off the biggest pieces of fat.  add everything to crock
       pot.  cover and cook on high for 5-6 hours, turn down to low
       until ready to serve.  It soaked up all the liquid and had
       fallen apart on it's own.  Serve with your favorite BBQ sauce.
       If you are needing to have it cook  while you are gone, I would
       suggest putting in at least 2 cups water so it doesn't dry out.
       #Post#: 24710--------------------------------------------------
       Re: crock pot pulled pork
       By: SherrieScraps Date: March 23, 2013, 1:08 pm
       Peggy, I make this too, only I use a can of Hire's Root Beer
       soda instead of water!  Yum!