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       #Post#: 27244--------------------------------------------------
       QOTD FRIDAY 5.31
       By: maddawg Date: May 31, 2013, 8:18 am
       So now that the weather is getting better (in most of the world)
       do you do a lot of grilling?
       #Post#: 27245--------------------------------------------------
       Re: QOTD FRIDAY 5.31
       By: maddawg Date: May 31, 2013, 8:19 am
       I love grillin' and because we live in FL we basically do it all
       year-round. I found that I have a problem cooking meat without a
       grill. Sad. LOL!
       #Post#: 27254--------------------------------------------------
       Re: QOTD FRIDAY 5.31
       By: Barb Date: May 31, 2013, 8:44 am
       We grill alot even in winter but this winter was colder and my
       DH said I am cooking inside lol...We found a new rub for our
       pork chops my DH said he was glad he made alot because he didnt
       follow the recipe and we love it, we have a jar full. I always
       made pork chops inside so grillin them is great for me.
       #Post#: 27258--------------------------------------------------
       Re: QOTD FRIDAY 5.31
       By: Milie Date: May 31, 2013, 8:59 am
       I am trying to! We did kebobs last weekend and burgers and dogs!
       I am outside a lot more especially with the girls playing!
       #Post#: 27261--------------------------------------------------
       Re: QOTD FRIDAY 5.31
       By: SherrieScraps Date: May 31, 2013, 9:04 am
       I don't do a lot of grilling but my DH loved to.  I miss that.
       Need to teach myself how to do it!!
       #Post#: 27280--------------------------------------------------
       Re: QOTD FRIDAY 5.31
       By: KikiJames Date: May 31, 2013, 9:54 am
       Some. We didn't do much last year. I think we've already done
       more this year! LOL With doing WW, it will be good for grilling
       burgers and chicken. :)
       #Post#: 27297--------------------------------------------------
       Re: QOTD FRIDAY 5.31
       By: Resa Date: May 31, 2013, 12:45 pm
       we have grilled everyday for the past two weeks except for one
       Being from Florida also, we were used to grilling year round. In
       the Carolinas, it come and goes. Hubby got a new grill a couple
       of weeks ago and has been grillilng up a storm. More power to
       him. the more he grills the less I have to cook inside. LOL!!
       #Post#: 27313--------------------------------------------------
       Re: QOTD FRIDAY 5.31
       By: tallulah Date: May 31, 2013, 6:01 pm
       Not like we used to.  With my heart condition, not really
       supposed to eat burgers and dogs, or ribs, or any of the good
       greasy stuff, so we bake everything,  No fired or fried..
       #Post#: 27315--------------------------------------------------
       Re: QOTD FRIDAY 5.31
       By: Diana Date: May 31, 2013, 8:24 pm
       We do every weekend.  DH loves the grill.
       #Post#: 27636--------------------------------------------------
       Re: QOTD FRIDAY 5.31
       By: Belle Jingle Date: June 12, 2013, 5:45 am
       We rarely grill.  I am sad about it.