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       #Post#: 28229--------------------------------------------------
       QOTD July 15, 2013
       By: SherrieScraps Date: July 15, 2013, 7:59 am
       Oh, my, you know my life is hectic when I have to come into work
       just to get a chance to sit down for a while!
       Here's the QOTD, would you rather go see (visit) family/friends
       or would you rather them come see you?
       #Post#: 28234--------------------------------------------------
       Re: QOTD July 15, 2013
       By: SherrieScraps Date: July 15, 2013, 8:02 am
       I would rather them come see me.  It's a lot of work when they
       stay with me but I do get more time to sit down with them and
       just catch up.
       My brother and his kids are here, they leave today to go back to
       the West Coast.  I'm going to miss them!  I haven't seen them
       for four years and a week is just not enough time to catch up
       with all that's going on with them!
       #Post#: 28235--------------------------------------------------
       Re: QOTD July 15, 2013
       By: maddawg Date: July 15, 2013, 8:03 am
       I can go either way on that-especially when kidlets are involved
       - they are better in their own habitat, but it would be nice to
       have them here.
       Have fun with your family - Sherrie!
       #Post#: 28238--------------------------------------------------
       Re: QOTD July 15, 2013
       By: AprilSaysSo Date: July 15, 2013, 9:11 am
       Enjoy Sherrie!
       I always used to like people coming to my house.  I used to
       entertain a lot - complete with an every-sunday-dinner standing
       invitation, which was my idea.  I haven't done that kind of
       entertaining in a long time (feels like that was another
       lifetime ago now).  I'm content with meeting with friends in
       neutral places, and family wherever I've got to ;)
       #Post#: 28248--------------------------------------------------
       Re: QOTD July 15, 2013
       By: Barb Date: July 16, 2013, 6:50 am
       Well  I would say my place let them drive LOL