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       #Post#: 29508--------------------------------------------------
       By: redd1977 Date: December 1, 2013, 11:17 am
       Okay I ask this question of do you try to scrapbook everyday and
       if so what motivates you?
       I ask this question because I told my sister I was going to
       scrapbook with her today, not getting together but just
       scrapbooking with each other in our own homes. So I go in to get
       started and right away I found a picture but can't decide what
       paper to use, I finally gave up and thought I would come online
       and see if I notice a layout or paper that strikes my fancy and
       gives me motivation.
       BTW, I hope I did this right? First time at this here, any
       suggestions would be welcomed. :)
       #Post#: 29511--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 12-1-13  
       By: tallulah Date: December 1, 2013, 1:41 pm
       When I am at home, I am at my scrappy table.  This is where the
       computer is, and I can still be with Stan at the same time.  I
       usually do something everyday, even if its putting scraps away!
       #Post#: 29512--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 12-1-13  
       By: maddawg Date: December 1, 2013, 9:37 pm
       I too try to do something everyday when I'm home. I haunt mostly
       Shimelle and a few others and Shimelle has a thing called
       starting points - down at the bottom of her blog. She builds
       pages without photos (I think) Anyway she finds papers she likes
       and go with each other and builds a page.
       I have started doing that. And its FUN!! And once the page is
       done - I hunt down a photo.
       I think it allows for a lot of creativity and play. here's her
 (HTM) http://www.shimelle.com/category/scrapbook-starting-points/
       #Post#: 29515--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 12-1-13  
       By: Barb Date: December 2, 2013, 6:12 am
       I try to scrap three times a week or more but sometimes the mojo
       just isn't there but I do go to some blogs and see what mojo
       they have.