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       #Post#: 29521--------------------------------------------------
       By: redd1977 Date: December 4, 2013, 5:38 pm
       Trying to finishing addressing my Christmas cards, so it made me
       wonder how many of you send out Christmas cards and do you make
       your own or buy them?
       Do you all have yours sent out?
       I like picture cards so try to do them every year but ran out of
       them so made a few of my own. I forgot how much work they are
       but are so pretty to get a homemade card from a loved one.
       #Post#: 29525--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 12/4/13
       By: Barb Date: December 4, 2013, 5:52 pm
       That is something I love doing mailing Christmas cards I make
       them at a Crop in December then mail them from there the crop is
       the 12th - 15th. Last year I was unable to make them because I
       broke my wrist in two places, My dh help me find some I had in a
       box and he signed them and addressed them LOL I can't wait to do
       it this year I missed so much last year.
       #Post#: 29535--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 12/4/13
       By: maddawg Date: December 5, 2013, 10:36 am
       I used to make them but not anymore and I don't know why.
       hmm....however, I do send out store bought ones.
       #Post#: 29543--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 12/4/13
       By: Jaclyn-Scraps Date: December 5, 2013, 11:36 am
       My hubby and I didn't do Christmas until we had a child then we
       ordered pictures ones from shutterfly!!