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       #Post#: 29523--------------------------------------------------
       By: redd1977 Date: December 4, 2013, 5:48 pm
       I need some serious help!! Here is my question... how do you
       gals organize your pictures??
       I have pictures from years back that I need to do, to pictures
       up to date. I have four boxes of pictures that I thought I had
       organized but apparently don't. I go to find certain pictures
       and have to look through all of the boxes before I find them and
       sometimes then I still don't find them.  I finally organized
       them by either date or event but I don't think they are still
       organized good enough if I can't find them. Help!!
       #Post#: 29527--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 12/4/13
       By: Barb Date: December 4, 2013, 5:55 pm
       I hear ya mine are unorganized But I have a large picture tote I
       use It helped but I sorted my older pics and scrapped them like
       all my Christmas pics in a album. all our vacation pics in a
       album ect.... That got them going in albums....
       #Post#: 29534--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 12/4/13
       By: maddawg Date: December 5, 2013, 10:35 am
       I'd love to help but mine are in a box or on my computer. I just
       plow through until the one I want jumps out at me. Sorry.
       #Post#: 29545--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 12/4/13
       By: Jaclyn-Scraps Date: December 5, 2013, 11:42 am
       I normally put the pictures into a folder thing I got from
       creative memories years ago there is a place for tabs so you can
       label each section....sometimes I put pictures with matching
       paper and stickers and whatnot into a tote and organize it that