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       #Post#: 29819--------------------------------------------------
       QOTD: Tuesday, Jan. 7th
       By: Jessica Date: January 7, 2014, 4:01 pm
       Well, since no one minded me posting yesterday I thought I would
       do it again today.   ;)
       Any travel plans for the new year?  Could be a week vacation or
       a weekend get away.
       Personally I've already scheduled a few things.  We are doing an
       overnight camping trip this weekend.  Plus, I would like to do
       some more camping trips throughout the year.  Later in the year
       I plan on taking the kiddos and 4 days off and driving about 9
       hours up to see my best friend.  We also go away for a long
       weekend with my Dad in November not sure where we will be
       heading this year.
       #Post#: 29824--------------------------------------------------
       Re: QOTD: Tuesday, Jan. 7th
       By: Resa Date: January 7, 2014, 5:38 pm
       we are going to seattle at the end of the year. we are beginning
       to plan now as the trip will be a big one.  hubby has a
       convention to go to. I am tagging along since his plane tickets
       will be paid for. we will extend after he is done there.  I will
       be puttering around while he is at the convention for four days.
       then we will explore together. I have never been that far west.
       I lived in Denver for a year in the 80's. And a traveled to mesa
       verde and the grand canyon while i was there. very excited to
       #Post#: 29832--------------------------------------------------
       Re: QOTD: Tuesday, Jan. 7th
       By: maddawg Date: January 7, 2014, 5:52 pm
       DH & I already had our get-away to Long Key state park - in the
       Florida keys. It was relaxing even though it became cloudy and
       windy - it was actually good time to ride our bikes.
       #Post#: 29838--------------------------------------------------
       Re: QOTD: Tuesday, Jan. 7th
       By: Barb Date: January 7, 2014, 6:18 pm
       Okay sometime this year we are going to Universal Studios with
       the Family for Jewels (our oldest grand daughter) between senior
       year trip lol I will also being going to the beach sometime this
       #Post#: 29848--------------------------------------------------
       Re: QOTD: Tuesday, Jan. 7th
       By: SherrieScraps Date: January 7, 2014, 7:27 pm
       We haven't planned our family vacation (we usually go to Outer
       Banks for a week) because DS and his wife are expecting twins!
       They are "due" March 26th but doctor says they will be early.  I
       may be using my vacation time to help out!
       #Post#: 29911--------------------------------------------------
       Re: QOTD: Tuesday, Jan. 7th
       By: ScrapHappyGabi Date: January 9, 2014, 6:12 pm
       We're planning to go to Disney World in October. We go every
       year, usually in February but we had gone a few years ago in
       October and experienced the "Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween
       Party" and love it so much we want to do it again!