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       #Post#: 32720--------------------------------------------------
       By: Barb Date: April 25, 2014, 11:32 am
       Is there any thing you want to do this summer FUN STUFF ?
       I want to fish more bike more and hike more I just need to get
       off our tushes lol
       #Post#: 32721--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 4/25
       By: Laura Date: April 25, 2014, 11:44 am
       I hope to get to the beach a few times with all the kids.
       #Post#: 32726--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 4/25
       By: Resa Date: April 25, 2014, 2:07 pm
       we  are getting ready to put up our privacy fence around the
       back yard. I am hoping to get our yard in order, right now there
       is nothing there as it is a new home.
       I also want to go back to the area we traveled to last weekend
       to do some fishing and hiking and finding more waterfalls.
       #Post#: 32731--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 4/25
       By: tallulah Date: April 25, 2014, 3:20 pm
       Last Friday I went for a ride up to Gatlinburg getting
       wildflower pics.
       I may be meeting Ziggy up there in a a couple weeks.
       I want to go to Gibbs Gardens - was supposed to go today - but
       the forecast said rain - of course it didn't!  Err
       I want to go to Asheville to the Arborium.  And I want to go to
       Highlands Botanical Gardens.
       And I'll probably take someone up to Cades Cove soon.
       And I want to get off my tush and put my kayak in the water!
       #Post#: 32766--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 4/25
       By: maddawg Date: April 26, 2014, 12:13 pm
       oooo i want to be traveling and waiting for the pool to warm up
       so i can enjoy. just want some laid back easygoing times.
       #Post#: 32768--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 4/25
       By: SherrieScraps Date: April 26, 2014, 6:10 pm
       I'm with Lynn, some laid back easy times coming my way I hope.
       We've all been so busy with all the new babies in our family (by
       the end of the year we'll have 5 new babies!) that none of us
       have had any time to "chill".  I took a week off the last week
       of May to babysit the twins while their Mommy goes back to work
       (ack!  what was I thinking!??) and I am going to watch Joey for
       a week in August while DD and DSIL go on vacation (I must be
       crazy....).  Such is the life of a grandma!