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       #Post#: 34154--------------------------------------------------
       April 1st 2015
       By: Barb Date: April 1, 2015, 7:07 am
       Good morning I can't believe time is a flying. I have to run and
       get my inspection sticker for car and adhesive. I hope to be
       back by 10. If I didn't need adhesive I would just stay and
       scrap lol. My sticker died yesterday lol I better get moving be
       back soon.
       #Post#: 34157--------------------------------------------------
       Re: April 1st 2015
       By: trouble Date: April 1, 2015, 10:40 am
       Will try to get over here to scrap later having a very full day.
       Have already done shopping, and had my car tune-up and computer
       update on it done. Now have to go for my hour workout at the nat
       and pick up the grands! Phew!!!! How did I have time to
       #Post#: 34161--------------------------------------------------
       Re: April 1st 2015
       By: Barb Date: April 1, 2015, 11:04 am
       lol Cindy I know how that is.
       #Post#: 34163--------------------------------------------------
       Re: April 1st 2015
       By: scrapmouse Date: April 1, 2015, 1:00 pm
       Have to take son and dil to airport and then other daughter to
       pick up her car.  Hoping to get back here this evening and get
       caught up on my classbook