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       #Post#: 8617--------------------------------------------------
       Yes, it's Monday
       By: Resa Date: June 11, 2012, 10:04 am
       How is it that I am posting this link at 11 a.m.? Where is
       I have had an extremely stressful weekend. Long story short, I
       will probably be leaving my  job. But it has been hinted by a
       friend that now that I will be available she would like to get
       me into her job. So my fingers are crossed. I still have to go
       in and quit the first job, but i think i need to be in a better
       frame of mind first cuz i really want to tell them off right
       now!!!! So I have had no mojo at ALL because of all these
       scrappy issues.
       How is or was your day today? ???
       #Post#: 8620--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Yes, it's Monday
       By: SherrieScraps Date: June 11, 2012, 11:25 am
       I am sorry for your stressful weekend, Resa.  Quitting a job is
       never easy.  My Dad always said, "don't burn your bridges, you
       might need them again" so it's good that you're trying to calm
       down some before going in and resigning.  I hope it all works
       out for you!
       #Post#: 8621--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Yes, it's Monday
       By: jscraps4u Date: June 11, 2012, 12:39 pm
       Bummer Resa...quitting is never fun.  But at least you have the
       option to do so!
       My husband did not go into work until 10:30...totally messed up
       my day!  But, I remember to take the laptop with to gymnastics
       and they have a public network.  So I can pop in and say HI!
       I too am wondering where everyone is.  I wonder if this is going
       to be it for the summer.  Man...I hope we make it through!
       I'm at gymnastics right now.  Will be making dinner when I get
       home.  Have no clue what I'm doing tonight!
       #Post#: 8626--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Yes, it's Monday
       By: favorite grandma Date: June 11, 2012, 1:14 pm
       good afternoon - back from our stay-cation.   we had a great
       time, even though we got rained on, then the heat/humidity was
       so bad another day.  have a few things put away, need to figure
       out something for dinner.
       #Post#: 8629--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Yes, it's Monday
       By: Milie Date: June 11, 2012, 1:19 pm
       Good luck Resa!!
       Ugh.. I came into work after 9 then had to catch up... Mom left
       this morning.. I am so sad..  :'( :'( luckily Bella woke up on
       her own (pooo peee  ;D ) so I didn't have to do the dirty work
       to wake her up.. mom even gave her a bath... we dropped her off
       then headed to the airport..
       So a depressing day.. it will be a few days.. it's always sad
       when she leaves.. no matter how old I get, you still miss your
       mom.. ;)
       I will try to catch up soon.. I know work has picked up some!
       Have a great week ladies!
       #Post#: 8641--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Yes, it's Monday
       By: Barb Date: June 11, 2012, 7:21 pm
       Good evening I was all ready to post this A.M. then my DD calls
       says can we go to lunch and shopping we did all by ourself no
       kids no men....Wow we had a blast and didnt get home until
       dinner so that where I was
 (HTM) http://i411.photobucket.com/albums/pp195/shellatkin/GIFs/smiley_laughing.gif<br
       #Post#: 8650--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Yes, it's Monday
       By: Diana Date: June 11, 2012, 8:50 pm
       I've had a day from hell, I just want it to end.  DH is away for
       3 days on a leadership seminar.
       I need to just relax a bit.  I did scrap almost all of DS's Prom
       pictures and he is being such a  PITA that he told me he did not
       care for them, I felt like throwing them in the garbage.  After
       my morning I did not need him to be such a jerk, all because I'm
       on his butt to get a job.  It's ok because next week when he has
       no money to go anywhere he will just stay home and if he wants
       to look for work then, he would have to take the bus.  As much
       as I love him and will miss him I'm ready for him to go away to
       school and see what life is really like.
       Milly .. I can imagine how much you are missing your mom.
       She'll be back before you know it.
       Resa.. That's how I felt I was so glad when he told me he did
       not need me any longer.
       Well hope everyone has a wonderful evening.
       #Post#: 8651--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Yes, it's Monday
       By: jscraps4u Date: June 11, 2012, 9:10 pm
       Oh Diana....kids!  Sit back and think happy thoughts!
       #Post#: 8658--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Yes, it's Monday
       By: Milie Date: June 12, 2012, 7:02 am
       Oh Diana HUGS... yes, that will surely open his eyes so he can
       be more appreciative...