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       #Post#: 9235--------------------------------------------------
       Having a hard day. I'm realizing a friendship is really over.
       By: KikiJames Date: June 22, 2012, 9:44 am
       I received an email from a friend's sister today that was an
       invitation to a surprise baby shower...
       ***A little background: My DH met the DH at work and I met his
       wife a little later. We became really close friends. We spent
       lots of time with them camping and going to Galveston every year
       for 10 years straight. After they had their 3rd child (They even
       used a baby name that we suggested for this baby that we talked
       about on a trip to Galveston about 3 years back), the trips
       stopped (Completely understandable!)and they moved out of state.
       They came back to town a couple of times and we got together for
       dinner while they were here and we met with the DH a time or two
       when he was here on business.
       We made a special trip to see them at their request (A 2 day
       driving trip to their house). We stayed for 4 days and had an
       okay time. (DH got sick with food poisoning during the trip, but
       was fine once we arrived). There were no real plans to do
       anything together as the kids were in school and we had to be
       back to pick them up. (Again, understandable. They have kids,
       it's par for the course.)
       They end up coming to town 2 more times and say that they want
       to get together for dinner after the kids go to bed. Great!
       Then, we don't hear from them again until they are half way to
       their home in another state.
       Back to present time: DH chats with the DH quite a bit by
       I receive an email today from the wife's SIL stating that they
       were throwing a surprise BABY shower for said wife. Not only is
       the baby shower a surprise to the wife, but the baby is a
       complete surprise to US! We had absolutely NO idea she was
       pregnant. In the past, we had gotten together for dinner for the
       announcement. Not once in DH's chats with her DH did he mention
       it, we never heard from her...nothing. And NOW they want us to
       go to a baby shower for her while they are conveniently in
       town???? I'm sure I would go, if I wasn't going to be with my
       niece's at an all day concert, but I can guarantee that if they
       were here just to see family and have fun, they would not be
       able to find time to come see us.
       I'm sure some peas will tell me I am completely unreasonable,
       but this is just small parts of the past. I truly believe this
       friendship is over and it was not something that we did to cause
       it. I'm just so sad. I really loved them and spending time with
       their family.
       I guess it really hurts because we may be in the same situation
       again with another set of friends. I really wish that the reason
       was because of something we did. That would make it more
       understandable, but there's just no reason from what I can see.
       It makes me feel like we are horrible friends.
       I have people I hang out with, but no best friend. I know it
       sounds silly to say at 39, but I have a hole in my heart and
       don't know how to fill it. It's not like you can send out
       resumes to potential friends. UGH
       #Post#: 9236--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Having a hard day. I'm realizing a friendship is really over
       By: maddawg Date: June 22, 2012, 10:37 am
       Aw hugs and prayers my friend. Sometimes people just grow apart
       for no reason or life just gets away from them. And seriously
       men don't think of talking about pregnancies. I have bff's that
       we don't talk for ages / years and when we get together we just
       pick up where we left off. It could be any number of things. I
       hope it all works out for you.
       #Post#: 9260--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Having a hard day. I'm realizing a friendship is really over
       By: tallulah Date: June 22, 2012, 2:27 pm
       I hear ya -
       I have had that happen to me in the last year and it sucks.  For
       2 years, I was there to listen about all their trials and
       tribulations, sometimes every day, and they came to visit, now
       she doesn't give me the time of day.  Sometimes I wish they
       hadn't and I have thought about emailing her how hurt I feel,
       but talking to another friend, she says write it off, and cut my
       losses.  I haven't had a bff in years,  and was tickled that I
       "had one".  Now I feel leery to get close to another female
       again.  Most of my " friends"  are either my biz partner or
       clients. Years ago, we lost most of our friends one by one
       because we didn't have kids.  We still communicate from time to
       time but not the same.
       But I've been with Stan for 37 years, I can always count on him!
       #Post#: 9261--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Having a hard day. I'm realizing a friendship is really over
       By: favorite grandma Date: June 22, 2012, 2:29 pm
       big {{{HUGS}}}
       I won't defend their actions.  but I do know I'm terrible about
       keeping in touch with friends (even really good ones) after we
       #Post#: 9263--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Having a hard day. I'm realizing a friendship is really over
       By: KikiJames Date: June 22, 2012, 2:39 pm
       [quote]I won't defend their actions.  but I do know I'm terrible
       about keeping in touch with friends (even really good ones)
       after we move. [/quote]
       I totally understand that, I do. My issue is when they DO text
       or call saying they want to get together while in town 2 hrs
       before they want to get together, then we don't hear from them
       again until AFTER they are on their way back home. So
       #Post#: 9292--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Having a hard day. I'm realizing a friendship is really over
       By: jscraps4u Date: June 22, 2012, 5:26 pm
       Oh bummer.  Hopefully it is just a misunderstanding.  I too have
       lost friendships over the years and know how it hurts.  I too
       find myself without a BFF because of moves.  Hang in there.
       Eventually the "right" person will come around.
       And besides...you have us.  Hugs to you!
       #Post#: 9323--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Having a hard day. I'm realizing a friendship is really over
       By: Diana Date: June 23, 2012, 7:56 am
       (((HUGS))) I've had that happened to me with a friend that I had
       for over 20 years. It broke my heart specially since I did
       nothing wrong.
       #Post#: 9334--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Having a hard day. I'm realizing a friendship is really over
       By: simplyscrappin Date: June 23, 2012, 3:45 pm
       hugs to you i can totally understand something similar has
       happen to me too, i will tell you that this maybe temporary and
       be patient.. my BF and i didn't talk for about 5yrs and then all
       of a sudden she sent me a request over facebook we talked and
       ashed things out and now we are friends again but not as close
       as before.. don't throw in the towel yet.. give her some time
       and she will come around.. have you tried talking with her and
       asking if u had upset her in anyway maybe that will help with
       getting stuff out in the open communicating in any realationship
       is key especially with BF's don't let it go to far.. Good Luck
       sweetie and keep us posted