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       #Post#: 9345--------------------------------------------------
       Rainy day Sunday
       By: maddawg Date: June 24, 2012, 9:17 am
       you guys in the storm - hunker down and take care. we're getting
       the bands of it. which is cool. except we really need a sam's
       had fun with shane yesterday - pray for him. he needs to get it
       #Post#: 9348--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Rainy day Sunday
       By: simplyscrappin Date: June 24, 2012, 1:03 pm
       on this rainy day i decided to do some purging in my scrapbook
       room and now just admiring how clean it is in here, now gonna
       work on some challenges got some inspiration kickin'.. plus i
       don't want to go to the store in this stuff YUCK YUCK!!!
       #Post#: 9350--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Rainy day Sunday
       By: Jaclyn-Scraps Date: June 24, 2012, 3:10 pm
       No storm here...it is a beautiful sunny day! I am not going
       anywhere anyway I have to finish this crazy project for school!!
       It is due today and I have been working on it since Thursday it
       is a doozy!! Well I have to get back to it...
       #Post#: 9351--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Rainy day Sunday
       By: favorite grandma Date: June 24, 2012, 3:15 pm
       Church this morning. dropped DGD off at DD's - they are off on
       their vacation.  It's been raining all day, so hope to find my
       MOJO and get some scrapping done as I've been really slacking.
       #Post#: 9353--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Rainy day Sunday
       By: jscraps4u Date: June 24, 2012, 4:01 pm
       We had some storms this morning, now sunshine and humidity.
       Did the church thing this am, picked up Kelly from a sleep over
       45 min away, started the laundry, and now starting to unwind.
       Although, this time next week, we will be in Breckenridge
       Colorado!  Woohoo!  Can't wait.  Will be getting ready for
       vacation this week.  We leave on Friday.
       #Post#: 9356--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Rainy day Sunday
       By: Diana Date: June 24, 2012, 6:33 pm
       it's been a beautiful sunny day here on the South East coast.
       Sitting o my balcony watching a lou out(Spelling) and the waves
       it's gorgeous, tomorrow is our last day here, back to reality on
       Tuesday, it's a 10 hour drive so don't know when we will be
       getting home.
       Daniel tells me it's been raining off and on all week.
       Hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday.