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       #Post#: 9375--------------------------------------------------
       Rainy days and Mondays....
       By: maddawg Date: June 25, 2012, 8:12 am
       lol!! Kinda nice to be snuggled down with all the hoopla
       happening outside. I'd be annoyed if I have to go out in it. Not
       much else going on. Hope to get some scrap on. Ya never know how
       the mojo goes.
       Hope you day goes well!
       #Post#: 9386--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Rainy days and Mondays....
       By: SherrieScraps Date: June 25, 2012, 9:35 am
       I think that rain is heading here.  Looks like we're in for a
       storm here on the East Coast.
       #Post#: 9387--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Rainy days and Mondays....
       By: scrapmouse Date: June 25, 2012, 10:15 am
       Don't tell anyone... but I am actually scrapping today!  :D  Now
       let's see if I can get something finished!  Feels good to be
       playing again tho
       #Post#: 9390--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Rainy days and Mondays....
       By: Resa Date: June 25, 2012, 10:58 am
       had a crazy weekend and the craziness continues today i guess.
       Hubby and I went to look at a house yesterday, returning today.
       We headed the the Tim McGraw/Kenny Chesney concert and sat in
       the rain in the football stadium.
       I was up WAY too late and am starting today off on the wrong
       Need to get wash underway and head to the gym.
       TTYL!! :)
       #Post#: 9394--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Rainy days and Mondays....
       By: Barb Date: June 25, 2012, 11:56 am
       Good afternoon oh goodness Resa those are two of my favorite men
       wow you rate hope you had a good time
       I am going scrap something later I hope
       no rain here just sunny days a plenty lol anyway have a fun day
       #Post#: 9408--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Rainy days and Mondays....
       By: Diana Date: June 25, 2012, 12:47 pm
       It's our last day here in So. Carolina it's a little overcast
       today and the waves are a little too wild for my taste.
       So I'm just sitting on my balcony watching them from a far.
       Going to head to My SIL's Uncle's produce house think they are
       going to cook some stone crabs, not that I can eat them.  Then
       getting pack and ready for our long trip home.  I can't wait to
       sleep in my own bed.
       #Post#: 9409--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Rainy days and Mondays....
       By: jscraps4u Date: June 25, 2012, 1:17 pm
       Hey all...
       Had a pretty relaxing morning.  Then lunch and now at
       gymnastics.  Took the laptop with to get caught up with
       budgeting stuff.  Then I realize I hadn't checked in with all my
       peeps!  LOL!
       Don't know what I'll be doing later.  Probably getting ready for
       Make it great ladies!