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       #Post#: 9520--------------------------------------------------
       Happy Hump Day!!
       By: Milie Date: June 27, 2012, 5:59 am
       Morning ladies!
       Slept a LITTLE better last night.. had my pillows elevated..
       think I might check out the minute clinic tonight.. I hate going
       to dr.
       Not much else going on.. getting excited our trip is coming up!!
       YAY!! We are still way behind on things, and I hope to catch up
       soon.. I feel so unprepared this time..
       Have a great day!!
       #Post#: 9537--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Hump Day!!
       By: SherrieScraps Date: June 27, 2012, 7:58 am
       Glad you're feeling a little better, Milie.  Where are you going
       on vacation?
       After two days of cooler weather it's going to heat up again
       here, hot and humid for the weekend.  I think after work I'll
       cool off in the pool!
       #Post#: 9540--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Hump Day!!
       By: maddawg Date: June 27, 2012, 8:02 am
       gld you're feeling better millie.
       my friend lisa's coming over tonight. gonna straighten up a bit.
       hoping to find some mojo - snort. still cloudy and rainy. debby
       needs to move it along she's lingered long enough. not much else
       going on.
       #Post#: 9541--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Hump Day!!
       By: favorite grandma Date: June 27, 2012, 8:14 am
       good morning. have the laundry going. it's another rainy day and
       I don't want to go get groceries so dug around in the freezer
       for a pot roast with potatoes, carrots and cabbage salad -  good
       comfort food.
       #Post#: 9547--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Hump Day!!
       By: scrapmouse Date: June 27, 2012, 8:53 am
       Today is out 31st anniversary, but don't think we will be doing
       anything, at least today.  Hubby leads our youth group and that
       meets tonight, so no dinner out tonight!
       #Post#: 9549--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Hump Day!!
       By: Milie Date: June 27, 2012, 8:57 am
       We are heading to Destin, FL the week of the 7-14! Nervous and
       Excited.. we're heading with mil, fil, bil, niece and nephew and
       #Post#: 9550--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Hump Day!!
       By: Barb Date: June 27, 2012, 9:04 am
       Good morning all I will be in and out have great niece and
       nephew for three weeks and I get hanging out and forget to check
       in but I am here aand May double page is still hanging out also
       just needs glued down really
       Millie sounds fun hope you feel better before you go
       My family going the same week to Ocean Isle Beach meeting up
       with Jaclyn DH hasnt seen Kennedy yet so were excited !
       #Post#: 9553--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Hump Day!!
       By: Diana Date: June 27, 2012, 10:05 am
       Millie glad you are feeling better.  Your trip sounds great.
       I'm back this house looks like a hurricane hit it. Need to start
       laundry and cleaning.  Our vacation was great I'm all tan.
       back to reality.
       #Post#: 9554--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Hump Day!!
       By: jscraps4u Date: June 27, 2012, 10:42 am
       Glad you are feeling better Milie!
       Sounds like everyone is having a busy summer.  I'm in vacation
       prep mode myself.  We leave on Friday!
       Today is gymnastics and get a start on the pre-vacation laundry.
       #Post#: 9558--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Hump Day!!
       By: Resa Date: June 27, 2012, 10:51 am
       waiting for dd to get ready. we are off to look at houses again
       today. I found one i love, but hubby wants to look at a few more
       before we make our final decision. DD and I are going to go look
       at my fave and then we are meeting up with hubby to look at a
       few more. very excited!!! ;D
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