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       #Post#: 9585--------------------------------------------------
       Wake up sleepyheads - it's Thursday
       By: favorite grandma Date: June 28, 2012, 7:16 am
       is anyone awake?  or are you all off doing fun summer things?
       #Post#: 9586--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Wake up sleepyheads - it's Thursday
       By: favorite grandma Date: June 28, 2012, 7:17 am
       good morning.  I'm up and awake, did sleep later than usual
       I have a couple cards to write and send, Church card ministry to
       do (several e-cards) a couple loads of laundry I didn't get done
       yesterday. then hope to get some scrappy time.
       have a great day ladies!
       #Post#: 9589--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Wake up sleepyheads - it's Thursday
       By: Milie Date: June 28, 2012, 7:36 am
       Morning!! Trying to get votes for the nursery! LOL..
       AT work.. so the nurse told me to take Robitussin but ask my OB
       first..ugh... I bought one last night, but couldn't talk to my
       OB, so took 1 dose, but some friends told me that was the multi
       symptom one, and that's a no no when pregnant.. argh.. so will
       be calling OB to ask what I can take.. I did sleep good
       FINALLY!! But coughing now since it's long out of my system..
       Getting nervous with vacation coming up.. ordering bedding,
       furniture.. my car smokes when I start it I need to check it out
       before trip..  and work busy but I am burnt out..
       Have a great day!!
       #Post#: 9598--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Wake up sleepyheads - it's Thursday
       By: maddawg Date: June 28, 2012, 10:03 am
       the sun is out and the rain and wind has stopped. woo hoo!!
       #Post#: 9611--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Wake up sleepyheads - it's Thursday
       By: jscraps4u Date: June 28, 2012, 2:53 pm
       Over 100 degrees here, but not too humid.  It actually feels
       good.  We haven't had any hot weather yet.
       I'm really stoked...lost 6.2 pounds my first week of Naturally
       Slim!  Oh Yeah!  I'm almost down 30 from when I started in
       Getting ready for vacation and more getting ready for vacation!
       #Post#: 9621--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Wake up sleepyheads - it's Thursday
       By: Diana Date: June 28, 2012, 8:54 pm
       It was hot hot hot here today and I think it most of been 100%
       humidity so I stayed in and finished the laundry and the
       I really want to scrap a little tonight.