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       #Post#: 9769--------------------------------------------------
       so like technically its MONDAY
       By: maddawg Date: July 2, 2012, 12:08 am
       i took a nap - it was probably not a good idea. however, i'm
       good. watching nostradamus- very cool. hard to figure what to
       believe. God works in mysterious ways. had a lovely day -Sunday
       - bobbing up and down in the pool. Watching DH powerwash the
       lanai. Nuked leftovers. Catch me if you can  :D
       #Post#: 9770--------------------------------------------------
       Re: so like technically its MONDAY
       By: Resa Date: July 2, 2012, 2:11 am
       for me, it's still Sunday night. What are you doing up this
       early? I am off to bed soon. Hoping they don't call me into work
       today. I think they left me off of the schedule. She told me she
       needed me today (monday) but did not give me a time. LOL!! guess
       I will find out later!! or should i say, in the morning. Heading
       to bed to listen to the thunder storm rage on some more. ;D
       #Post#: 9772--------------------------------------------------
       Re: so like technically its MONDAY
       By: Milie Date: July 2, 2012, 6:32 am
       haha.. I took naps but earlier.. I have been really tired..
       still not as far ahead with my trip as I wanted.. ugh.. at work
       today, BUSY week since I go on vacay on Saturday and I still
       need to get my car checked, trying to make an appt. today for
       sometime this week.. chiro today also.. so no cooking...
       Have a great week ladies!!
       #Post#: 9774--------------------------------------------------
       Re: so like technically its MONDAY
       By: favorite grandma Date: July 2, 2012, 7:43 am
       good morning, need to figure out something for dinner then go
       get the groceries.  hope to get my MOJO going and finish the
       layout I have on the table.  other than that not much going on
       have a great day.
       #Post#: 9775--------------------------------------------------
       Re: so like technically its MONDAY
       By: Barb Date: July 2, 2012, 8:20 am
       Good morning I am relaxing on the porch Josh wants scrambeled
       eggs tried to get him to eat cereal no go on that so maybe some
       scrapping in my fugure Have a good day all
       #Post#: 9776--------------------------------------------------
       Re: so like technically its MONDAY
       By: Diana Date: July 2, 2012, 8:28 am
       Good morning, my coffee maker kicked the bucket this am.  so i'm
       a little stressed out.  Going to buy one as soon as I get dress.
       Nothing much going on, just applying for work.
       Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
       #Post#: 9780--------------------------------------------------
       Re: so like technically its MONDAY
       By: KikiJames Date: July 2, 2012, 9:03 am
       Okay, looks like I'm not the only one that's confused.
       I woke up this morning after a VERY long weekend and looked at
       the clock like I always do. It said 1:30PM!!!! Got up and went
       to the bathroom, then turned on the TV to see what time it said.
       It said 7:30AM. So, I went back to sleep. Woke up again and
       looked at the clock (to make sure I wasn't dreaming before) and
       it said 2:30PM! So, thinking DH was freaking out because I was
       still in bed, I got up and came into the living area. The
       microwave is blinking at the stove said 9:30AM. My computer said
       8:30, so I was assuming this was correct and I did not sleep the
       entire day away.
       I was SO confused. LOL
       #Post#: 9781--------------------------------------------------
       Re: so like technically its MONDAY
       By: maddawg Date: July 2, 2012, 9:08 am
       good grief kisha. lol!! now i'm confused.
       #Post#: 9794--------------------------------------------------
       Re: so like technically its MONDAY
       By: Resa Date: July 2, 2012, 11:03 am
       back up and i did not get a call. I guess I am off today.
       Wahoo!! need to catch up on some work around the house now that
       everyone else IS at work, LOL!!
       #Post#: 9820--------------------------------------------------
       Re: so like technically its MONDAY
       By: nfaband Date: July 2, 2012, 7:03 pm
       Checking in for a few minutes ... I've been pretty busy just
       gettings stuff done that needs doing.  Made a huge payment today
       on one of my credit cards, needed to pay it down to get a
       smaller monthly payment amount, would  like to pay it off, but
       right now I have to take baby steps.  LOL ... The attorney is
       taking care of the probate stuff for me, so that's a big worry
       off my mind or at least pushed to the back of my mind for now.
       Tomorrow I'm going to pick a headstone for my husbands grave, I
       figure it's time, my brother in law and daughter will be with me
       to help make all the right decisions.  Hopefully listing the
       house soon, still not sure where we want to end up ... but we're
       working on it.  DD is still trying to find a full time teaching
       job, she had an interview last week, but no call back, ugh, she
       also has some job apps out in North Carolina, a possibility for
       where we might end up.  Keep your fingers crossed for her
       ladies.  Not much else right now ... just lots of house emptying
       to get done, who knew there could be so much stuff in a 10 room
       house with a full walk up attic and a basement.
       No scrapping here ... justg thinking about all that stuff on my
       desk, yikes.
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